Event generation with Sherpa 3
/ Sherpa Collaboration
Sherpa is a general-purpose Monte Carlo event generator for the simulation of particle collisions in high-energy collider experiments. [...]
arXiv:2410.22148 ; IPPP/24/67 ; LTH-1385 ; FERMILAB-PUB-24-0748-T ; ZU-TH 51/24,
CERN-TH-2024-171 ; ZU-TH 51/24 ; MCNET-24-17 ; CERN-TH-2024-171.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider Phenomena
/ Maltoni, F. (Louvain U., CP3 ; INFN, Bologna ; U. Bologna, DIFA) ; Su, S. (Arizona U.) ; Thaler, J. (MIT, Cambridge, CTP ; IAIFI, Cambridge ; Harvard U.) ; Aarrestad, T.K. (CERN) ; Aboubrahim, A. (Munster U., ITP) ; Adhikari, S. (Kansas U. ; Johns Hopkins U.) ; Agapov, I. (DESY) ; Agashe, K. (Maryland U.) ; Agrawal, P. (Oxford U., Theor. Phys.) ; Airen, S. (Maryland U.) et al.
Theoretical research has long played an essential role in interpreting data from high-energy particle colliders and motivating new accelerators to advance the energy and precision frontiers. [...]
arXiv:2210.02591 ; FERMILAB-FN-1203-QIS.
Fermilab Library Server - eConf - Fulltext - Fulltext
Snowmass2021 theory frontier white paper: Astrophysical and cosmological probes of dark matter
/ Boddy, Kimberly K. (Texas U.) ; Lisanti, Mariangela (Princeton U. ; Flatiron Inst., New York) ; McDermott, Samuel D. (Fermilab) ; Rodd, Nicholas L. (CERN) ; Weniger, Christoph (Amsterdam U. ; U. Amsterdam, GRAPPA) ; Ali-Haïmoud, Yacine (New York U., CCPP) ; Buschmann, Malte (Princeton U.) ; Cholis, Ilias (Oakland U.) ; Croon, Djuna (Durham U., IPPP) ; Erickcek, Adrienne L. (North Carolina U.) et al.
While astrophysical and cosmological probes provide a remarkably precise and consistent picture of the quantity and general properties of dark matter, its fundamental nature remains one of the most significant open questions in physics. Obtaining a more comprehensive understanding of dark matter within the next decade will require overcoming a number of theoretical challenges: the groundwork for these strides is being laid now, yet much remains to be done. [...]
arXiv:2203.06380; FERMILAB-CONF-22-151-T.-
2022-06-22 - 27 p.
- Published in : JHEAp 35 (2022) 112-138
Fulltext: jt - PDF; 2203.06380 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.112-138
Event Generators for High-Energy Physics Experiments
/ Campbell, J.M. (Fermilab) ; Diefenthaler, M. (Jefferson Lab) ; Hobbs, T.J. (Fermilab ; IIT, Chicago) ; Höche, Stefan (Fermilab) ; Isaacson, Joshua (Fermilab) ; Kling, Felix (DESY) ; Mrenna, Stephen (Fermilab) ; Reuter, J. (DESY) ; Alioli, S. (Milan Bicocca U. ; INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Andersen, J.R. (Durham U., IPPP) et al.
We provide an overview of the status of Monte-Carlo event generators for high-energy particle physics. Guided by the experimental needs and requirements, we highlight areas of active development, and opportunities for future improvements. [...]
arXiv:2203.11110; CP3-22-12; DESY-22-042; FERMILAB-PUB-22-116-SCD-T; IPPP/21/51,
JLAB-PHY-22-3576; KA-TP-04-2022; LA-UR-22-22126; LU-TP-22-12; MCNET-22-04,
OUTP-22-03P; P3H-22-024; PITT-PACC 2207; UCI-TR-2022-02.-
2024-05-24 - 225 p.
- Published in : 10.21468/SciPostPhys.16.5.130
Fulltext: jt - PDF; 2203.11110 - PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External links: JLab Document Server; Fermilab Library Server; eConf
In : 2021 Snowmass Summer Study, Seattle, WA, United States, 11 - 20 July 2021, pp.
Software Sustainability & High Energy Physics
/ Katz, Daniel S. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Malik, Sudhir (Puerto Rico U., Mayaguez) ; Neubauer, Mark S. (Illinois U., Urbana) ; Stewart, Graeme A. (CERN) ; Assamagan, Kétévi A. (Brookhaven) ; Becker, Erin A. (Fermilab) ; Chue Hong, Neil P. (Edinburgh U.) ; Cosden, Ian A. (Princeton U.) ; Meehan, Samuel (CERN) ; Moyse, Edward J.W. (Massachusetts U., Amherst) et al.
New facilities of the 2020s, such as the High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), will be relevant through at least the 2030s. [...]
18 p.
Report from Working Group 1 : Standard Model Physics at the HL-LHC and HE-LHC
/ Azzi, P. (INFN, Padua) ; Farry, S. (Liverpool U.) ; Nason, P. (INFN, Milan Bicocca ; Milan Bicocca U.) ; Tricoli, A. (Brookhaven Natl. Lab.) ; Zeppenfeld, D. (KIT, Karlsruhe, TP) ; Abdul Khalek, R. (Vrije U., Amsterdam ; NIKHEF, Amsterdam) ; Alimena, J. (Ohio State U.) ; Andari, N. (IRFU, Saclay) ; Aperio Bella, L. (CERN) ; Armbruster, A.J. (CERN) et al.
The successful operation of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the excellent performance of the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE detectors in Run-1 and Run-2 with $pp$ collisions at center-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV as well as the giant leap in precision calculations and modeling of fundamental interactions at hadron colliders have allowed an extraordinary breadth of physics studies including precision measurements of a variety physics processes. The LHC results have so far confirmed the validity of the Standard Model of particle physics up to unprecedented energy scales and with great precision in the sectors of strong and electroweak interactions as well as flavour physics, for instance in top quark physics. [...]
arXiv:1902.04070; CERN-LPCC-2018-03.-
Geneva : CERN, 2019-12-02 - 220 p.
- Published in : CERN Yellow Rep. Monogr. 7 (2019) 1-220
Fulltext: 950-Article Text-4160-1-10-20191204 - PDF; 1902.04070 - PDF;
In : HL/HE-LHC Workshop : Workshop on the Physics of HL-LHC, and Perspectives at HE-LHC, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 - 20 Jun 2018 Report on the Physics at the HL-LHC, and Perspectives for the HE-LHC, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 - 20 Jun 2018, pp.1-220