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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 55 のレコードが見つかりました。  1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ: 検索にかかった時間: 1.62 秒 
Two body channels in the interactions of 3, 3.5 and 5 GeV/c positive kaons and hydrogen : Possibility of Regge-pole exchange / Goldschmidt-Clermont, Y ; Henri, V P ; Jongejans, B ; Moisseev, A ; Muller, F ; Perreau, J-M ; Prokes, A ; Yarba, V ; de Baere, W ; Debaisieux, J et al.
- 1966. - 12 p.
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K$^{+}$p elastic scattering at 3.5 and 5.0 GeV/c / de Baere, W ; Debaisieux, J ; Dufour, P ; Grard, F ; Heughebaert, J ; Pape, L ; Peeters, P ; Verbeure, F ; Windmolders, R ; George, R et al.
- 1966. - 18 p.
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Resonance production in five-body final states from K$\^{+}$p interactions at 5 GeV/c / Charriere, G ; De Baere, W ; De Wolf, E ; Drijard, Daniel ; Dufour, P ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves ; Grant, A ; Grard, F ; Henri, V P ; Jongejans, B et al.
The final states corresponding to the reaction K/sup +/p to KN pi pi pi are studied at 5.0 GeV/c incident momentum. The general characteristics of these reactions are given. [...]
1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 51 (1973) 317-52
Slow proton and Delta /sup ++/ production in K/sup +/p interactions at 70 GeV/c / Barth, Monique ; Baland, J F ; Beaufays, J ; Belokopitov, Y ; Brizgalov, V V ; Caso, C ; Chliapnikov, P V ; Contri, R ; De Clercq, C ; De Wolfe, E et al.
The inclusive inelastic processes K/sup +/p to pX/sup +/ and K/sup +/p to Delta /sup ++/X/sup 0/ are studied in an incident momentum of 70 Ge V/C. The data comes from the Big European Bubble Chamber BEBC filled with hydrogen, exposed to an rf separated K/sup +/ beam at the CERN SPS accelerator. [...]
1981 - Published in : Z. Phys. C 7 (1981) 89-96
Scaling in the semi-inclusive reactions K/sup +/p producing K/sup 0/n (charged)+anything at 5, 82 and 16 GeV/c / Chliapnikov, P V ; Bonnel, C ; Carney, N C ; Ciapetti, G ; Colley, D C ; De Baere, W ; De Wolf, W ; Drijard, Daniel ; Dunwoodie, W M ; Ginestet, J et al.
The authors study the scaling properties of the semi-inclusive reactions K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/+n'(charged)+X/sup 0/(neutral) measuring the momentum spectra of K/sup 0/-mesons for a given number of prongs n. Distributions of the particle density omega (d sigma /sub n//dp/sub L/)/ sigma /sub n/ for the inclusive K/sup 0/ at n=2 and n=4 show evidence for limited scaling at 5.0, 8.2 and 16 GeV/c incident K /sup +/ momenta. [...]
1972 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 39 (1972) 279-81
The behaviour in terms of angular variables of the inclusive reactions K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/X/sup ++/ and K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/ pi /sup +/X /sup +/ at 5.0 and 8.2 GeV/c / Chliapnikov, P V ; Ciapetti, G ; De Baere, W ; De Wolf, E ; Drijard, Daniel ; Dunwoodie, W M ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves ; Grant, A ; Grard, F ; Henri, V P et al.
The inclusive reactions K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/+X/sup ++/ at 5.0 and 8.2 GeV/c and K/sup +/p to K/sup 0/+ pi /sup +/+X/sup +/ at 8.2 GeV/c are analysed in terms of angular variables theta and phi . The data are compared and found consistent with various theoretical bounds on the s-dependence of the inclusive reaction cross sections. [...]
1972 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 48 (1972) 429-445
Comparison of the reactions $K^{\pm} p \rightarrow Q^{\pm} p$ at incident momentum 8.25 GeV/c / Athens-Brussels-CERN-Demokritos-London(IC)-Mons-Vienna Collaboration
A comparison of the general features of the reactions K/sup +or-/P to Q/sup +or-/p at incident momentum 8.25 GeV/c is presented. The relevant data derive from events yielding four-constraint fits to the reactions K/sup +or-/p to K/sup +or-/ pi /sup +/ pi /sup -/p in exposures of the CERN 2 m HBC to RF-separated K/sup +/ and K/sup -/ beams. [...]
1976 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 102 (1976) 1-19
The reactions K/sup +/p to Lambda X/sup ++/ and K/sup +/p to Lambda X /sup ++/ at incident momenta of 82 and 160 GeV/c / Chliapnikov, P V ; Ciapetti, G ; De Wolf, E ; Dunwoodie, W M ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves ; Grant, A ; Grard, F ; Henri, V P ; Herquet, P ; Jobes, M et al.
Inclusive production of Lambda and Lambda in K/sup +/p interactions is studied at incident momenta of 8.2 and 16.0 GeV/c. Cross sections and single-particle distributions are presented, the correlation between longitudinal and transverse momentum is investigated and the dependence of average charge multiplicity on missing mass measured. [...]
1976 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 112 (1976) 1-51
Simultaneous resonance production in quasi-three-body reactions in K+p interactions at 8.25 GeV/c / Eskreys, Andrzej (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gracow) ; Figiel, J (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gracow) ; Malecki, P (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gracow) ; Zalewska-Bak, A (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gracow) ; Zalewski, K (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Gracow) ; De Baere, W (Brussels Institute for High Energies WLB-VUB, Brussels) ; De Wolf, E (Brussels Institute for High Energies WLB-VUB, Brussels) ; Peeters, P (Brussels Institute for High Energies WLB-VUB, Brussels) ; Verbeure, F (Brussels Institute for High Energies WLB-VUB, Brussels) ; Ciapetti, G (CERN) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 63 (1973) 28-44
Resonance production in five-body final states from K+p interactions at 5 GeV/c / Charrière, G (CERN) ; Drijard, Daniel (CERN) ; Goldschmidt-Clermont, Yves (CERN) ; Grant, A (CERN) ; Henri, V P (CERN) ; Jongejans, B (CERN) ; Linglin, D (CERN) ; Mettel, D (CERN) ; Müller, F (CERN) ; De Baere, W (Laboratoire Interuniversitaire Belge des Hautes Energies, Bruxelles) et al.
Geneva : CERN, 1973 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 51 (1973) 317-352

CERN Document Server : 55 のレコードが見つかりました。   1 - 10次最後  レコードへジャンプ:
1 Peeters, Paul
2 Peeters, Philippe
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