| A 100MeV proton accelerator has been developed at PEFP (Proton Engineering Frontier Project) as a 21C Frontier Project. The goal of the first stage of the project is to develop a 20MeV accelerator. The 20MeV accelerator consists of ion source, LEBT, 3MeV RFQ and 20MeV DTL. The 3MeV RFQ was already installed and being tested. During preliminary test, some problems, such as the resonant frequency and field profile tuning, sharp edge in the vane end, inadequate RF seals have been found out. Therefore, it was decided to fabricate another RFQ. The RFQ upgrade includes some characteristics such as constant voltage profile, adoption of transition cell which are different from present one. In this paper, the fabrication of the PEFP 3MeV RFQ upgrade are presented. |