| The Advanced Photon Source (APS) has two insertion devices (IDs) with small-aperture vacuum chambers. The full vertical aperture in these chambers is 5 mm, while the inboard horizontal aperture is 15 mm. These devices suffer significant radiation damage, requiring frequent retuning. We recently hypothesized that the damage resulted from loss of Touschek-scattered particles on the horizontal aperture of the chambers. This results partly from the smallness of the aperture and partly from the pattern of the dispersion and beta functions in the low-emittance APS lattice. The horizontal scrapers were originally at a high-dispersion location, but, in the low-emittance lattice, they are at a fairly low-dispersion location. Similarly, the dispersion at the IDs was originally zero but is now close to the maximum for the lattice. In this paper, we summarize simulations and experiments that support our hypothesis and discuss plans to remedy the problem. |