The alpha magnetic spectrometer, a particle physics experiment in space (p. 3) |
by Battiston, R |
HYPER : atom interferometry in space(p. 16) |
by Landragin, A |
The GLAST Gamma ray large area Telescope (p. 23) |
by Brez, S |
The anticoincidence shield of the pamela satellite experiment (p. 31) |
by Lund, J |
EUSO : extreme universe space observatory(p. 36) |
by Livio, S |
A complete simulation of cosmic rays access to a space station (p. 45) |
by Bobik, P |
The transition radiation detector of the AMS-2 experiment (p. 57) |
by Schwering, G |
Monolith : a massive magnetized detector for atmospheric Neutrinos(p. 68) |
by Trinchero, G C |
A review of silicon detectors (p. 103) |
by Freudenreich, Klaus |
The Cdf Online Silicon Vertex Tracker (p. 127) |
by Ashmanskas, W |
Charged particle tracking with the HERA-B detector (p. 159) |
by Krauss, C |
The Run IIB Upgrade Of The CDF Silicon Detectors (p. 171) |
by Cabrera, S |
Status and new layout of the ATLAS pixel detector (p. 189) |
by Netchaeva, P |
The ATLAS silicon microstrip tracker construction status (p. 196) |
by Ferrère, D |
The silicon strip tracker of the CMS experiment (p. 203) |
by Biasini, M |
The CMS silicon tracker automated module assembly (p. 209) |
by Lenzi, M |
The CMS tracker automated module assembly (p. 209) |
by Lenzi, M |
CMS silicon tracker : milestone 200(p. 219) |
by Dierlamm, A |
Test of the CMS silicon strip detectors in the hadron beam (p. 224) |
by Zhukov, V |
Status of the CMS pixel detector (p. 231) |
by Rohe, T |
GEM detectors for COMPASS (p. 259) |
by Simon, F |
Architecture of the common GEM and silicon readout for the COMPASS experiment (p. 264) |
by Grube, B |
The time projection chamber for the CERN-LHC heavy-ion experiment ALICE (p. 276) |
by Schmidt, H R |
US ATLAS Muon End Cap system (p. 327) |
by Marin, A |
Performance of the MACRO limited streamer tubes for estimates of muon energy (p. 332) |
by Giorgini, M |
Exploitation of ATLAS DAQ prototypes for test beam and lab activities (p. 339) |
by Di Girolamo, B |
Cathode strip chamber performance of the CMS ME1/1 muon station (p. 347) |
by Erchov, Yu V |
A proposal for the alignment of the LHCb RICH detector (p. 363) |
by Papanestis, A |
Monitored drift tube chamber production at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (p. 368) |
by Braccini, S |
A database for detector conditions data of current and future HEP experiments (p. 373) |
by Paoli, S |
Calorimetry (p. 381) |
by Leroy, C |
Overview of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (p. 384) |
by Heath, H F |
The readout of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter (p. 389) |
by Simion, S |
Performance of the ATLAS liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeter modules under test beam (p. 401) |
by Djama, F |
Status of ATLAS tile calorimeter and study of muon interactions (p. 409) |
by Price, L E |
Construction of the first CMS-ECAL fully operational module (400 lead tungstate crystals) (p. 417) |
by Auffray, Etiennette |
What's new with the CMS hadron calorimeter (p. 429) |
by Hagopian, V |
The ATLAS hadronic endcap calorimeter (p. 449) |
by Pinfold, J L |
Radioactive ion beams for biomedical research and nuclear medical application (p. 504) |
by Beyer, Gerd-Jürgen |
Industrial section convenor's report (p. 521) |
by Barone, M |
Electronic publishing at the end of 2001 (p. 525) |
by Pettenati, Corrado |
DAQ cards for the Compact Muon Solenoid: a successful technology transfer case (p. 534) |
by Barone, M |
The data acquisition system for the CMS experiment at the LHC (p. 540) |
by Antchev, G |
Development of high time resolution multigap RPCS for the TOF detector of ALICE (p. 563) |
by Williams, M C S |
The LHCb Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors (p. 569) |
by Eisenhardt, S |
The Silicon Transition Radiation Detector : a test with a beam of particles(p. 587) |
by Brigida, M |
The ALICE transition radiation detector : results from prototype tests(p. 592) |
by Andronic, A |
The silicon transition radiation detectors : a full monte carlo simulation(p. 597) |
by Brigida, M |
Gravitational waves interferometer and the VIRGO project (p. 605) |
by Gaddi, A |
Further studies of the Sand-Glass Gas (SGG) detector (p. 620) |
by Majewski, P |
The MICROMEGAS neutron detector for CERN n-TOF (p. 633) |
by Andriamonje, Samuel A |
Large liquid scintillator tracker for neutrino experiments (p. 661) |
by Dupraz, J P |
Crystal detectors (p. 731) |
by Longo, E |
Lead tungstate crystals for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter at the LHC (p. 735) |
by Dafinei, I |
Radiation damage (p. 767) |
by Baccaro, S |
Radiation effects in silicon detectors : a short overview(p. 770) |
by Bruzzi, Mara |
Liquid argon pollution tests of ATLAS detector materials at the IBR-2 reactor in Dubna (p. 800) |
by Leroy, C |
The ALICE time projection chamber |
by Schmidt, H R |
by Eisenhardt, S |
by Girone, M |
The hybrid photon detectors for the LHCb-RICH counters |
by Girone, M |
The LHCb Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detectors |
by Eisenhardt, S |
The LHCbSilicon Tracker, design and test results. |
by Voss, H |
Efficient Triggering with the LHCb Detector for Precise CP Measurements |
by Tuning, N |
by Parkes, C |
The LHCb silicon tracker |
by Voss, H |