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CERN Accelerating science

Conference title International Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Extreme
Date(s), location 17 - 19 Jun 1998, Lewes, UK
Editor(s) Hardner, M K (ed.) ; Bruce, A M (ed.)
Imprint 1999
Note Not held by the CERN library
In: J. Phys. G 25, 4 (1999)
Subject category Nuclear Physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Experiments with radioactive beams (p. 76)
by Hansen, P G
Recollections of the introduction of SU(3) to nuclear theory (p. 577)
by Elliott, J P
Elliott's SU(3) model and its developments in nuclear physics (p. 581)
by Arima, A
Coulomb effects in the f~7~/~2 shell (p. 599)
by Bentley, M A
M1 strengths in deformed nuclei (p. 605)
by Draayer, J P
Magnetic behaviour in the pseudo-Nilsson model (p. 611)
by Stuchbery, A E
On the relativistic origins of pseudo-spin symmetry in nuclei (p. 617)
by Ginocchio, J N
What is the effective nuclear Hamiltonian (p. 623)
by Brown, B A
Exotic decay modes at the proton drip line (p. 629)
by Blank, B
Macroscopic and microscopic models of nuclear rotations (p. 635)
by Rowe, D J
Relativistic effects in low-energy nuclear structure (p. 641)
by Ring, P
From nuclei to molecules : a symmetry adapted algebraic model of vibrational excitations(p. 649)
by Frank, A I
Dynamic symmetries in nuclei (p. 655)
by Iachello, Francesco
Many-body approximations in the presence of proton-neutron pairing (p. 661)
by Pittel, S
Mappings from shell-model SU(3) to boson SU(3 (p. 667)
by Elliott, J P
An algebraic approach to shape coexistence (p. 671)
by De Coster, C
T = 0 and T = 1 pairs in N assymptotically Z nuclei (p. 675)
by Van Lsacker, P
Discrete line spectroscopy of ^6^2~3~1Ga with AYEBALL (p. 679)
by Vincent, S M
Collective K^ = 0^+ vibrational excitations in ^1^7^8Hf (p. 685)
by Aprahamian, A
Two-phonon octupole excitations in ^2^0^8Pb and the role of E1 transitions in their decays (p. 691)
by Yates, S W
The 'magnetic rotation' of nuclei (p. 695)
by Clark, R M
Discoveries of the heaviest elements (p. 717)
by Münzenberg, G
Core excitation in halo nucleus break-up (p. 735)
by Tostevin, J A
Proton scattering on unstable nuclei (p. 741)
by Suomijärvi, T
New physics with radioactive beams : exotic structures in loosely bound systems(p. 747)
by Casten, R F
Structure of ^1^1Be from the (p, d) reaction in inverse kinematics (p. 755)
by Winfield, J S
Half-lives of the odd-odd N = Z nuclei ^7^8Y, ^8^2Nb, ^8^6Tc (p. 759)
by Longour, C
Deformation-driving intruder states in f-p-g shell nuclei (p. 763)
by Tabor, S L
Study of the static quadrupole moment of the K = 35/2 isomer in ^1^7^9W (p. 767)
by Vyvey, K
Fine structure in ^1^9^2Po à-decay and shape coexistence in ^1^8^8Pb (p. 771)
by Page, R D
Exotic clusterizations and the SU(3) selection rule (p. 775)
by Algora, A
Microscopic interacting boson-fermion model description of ^1^0^7Sn (p. 779)
by Devi, Y D
Electron scattering and multi-shell correlations : a symplectic shell- model study(p. 783)
by Escher, J
Sharp cut-off approximation for neutron pre-emission in halo ^1^1Be fusion with ^1^2C (p. 799)
by Petrascu, M
Large-scale nuclear structure studies of medium-mass nuclei (p. 803)
by Petrovici, A
Pseudo-spin symmetry and identical SD bands : the excited superdeformed bands in ^1^9^1Au(p. 807)
by Schueck, C
Does the independent quasiparticle picture hold in mass-190 superdeformed nuclei (p. 819)
by Zhang, J Y
Quadrupole-octupole coupled states in ^1^1^2Cd (p. 823)
by Garrett, P E
On the importance of the SU(3) description for the interpretation of the first excited K^ = 0^+ band in deformed nuclei (p. 827)
by Lehmann, H
Spectroscopic study of ^2^2^8^-^2^3^4Th nuclei using multi-nucleon transfer reactions (p. 831)
by Amzal, N
à-decay characteristics of neutron-deficient ^1^9^0^, ^1^9^2Po nuclei and alpha branching ratios of ^1^8^6^, ^1^8^8Pb isotopes (p. 835)
by Andreyev, A N
gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-deficient Ra isotopes (p. 839)
by Cocks, J F C
Should the Casten triangle be a pentagon (p. 843)
by Jolie, J
The new recurrence relation for magic numbers and some of its possible implications (p. 847)
by Anicin, I V
Coulomb break-up of halo nuclei within an adiabatic model (p. 851)
by Banerjee, P
Dripline nuclei produced by quasi-fragmentation of the ^3^2^, ^3^4^, ^3^6S primary beams (p. 859)
by Dlouhý, Z
Towards a new effective interaction of the Gogny type (p. 863)
by Farine, M
Shell-model calculations near N = Z = 28 (p. 867)
by Harder, M K
An investigation of shell model structure near ^5^6Ni (p. 871)
by Halse, P
GSI experiments in the region of heaviest elements (p. 877)
by Hessberger, F P
SU(3) description of the spin-orbit interaction (p. 881)
by Vargas, C E
Description of odd-odd nuclei using extended supersymmetry (p. 889)
by Jolie, J
Relative quadrupole deformations for structures in odd proton (Z = 59) Pr nuclei near mass asymptotically equal to 130 (p. 893)
by Kondev, F G
Exploring the I = 50-60h domain : Collective and terminating structures in ^1^5^6Dy, ^1^5^9Er and ^1^6^0Er(p. 897)
by Kondev, F G
Exotic cluster model of band structure in actinides (p. 901)
by Buck, B
Quadrupole collectivity of angular-momentum projected states of nucleons in the high-j intruder single-particle states (p. 905)
by Raman, S
High spin states in ^5^8Ni (p. 909)
by Mohammadi, S
Classical and semiclassical description of nuclear reactions induced by proton-rich nuclei (p. 913)
by Semkin, N D
The deformation effect on the pairing gap (p. 917)
by Sugawara-Tanabe, K
Effects of nuclear-shell stabilization in light nuclei (p. 921)
by Sukhoruchkin, S I
Isometry of SU~3 states in the strictly restricted dynamics model (p. 925)
by Katkevicius, O
Microscopic SU(3) model of à-particle states in 2s1d nuclei (p. 929)
by Kurgalin, S D
Oxygen isotopes in the hyperspherical functions method (p. 933)
by Timofeyuk, N K
The Dubna gas-filled recoil separator : status and developments(p. 937)
by Tsyganov, Yu S
A yrast study of the A = 61 isobars ^6^1~2~9Cu and ^6^1~3~0Zn (p. 941)
by Vincent, S M
The Wigner term in heavy nuclei (p. 949)
by Zeldes, N
Study of possible phase transitional behaviour in the geometric collective model and the IBA (p. 953)
by Zhang, J Y
Dynamical symmetries in nuclear weak interactions (p. 957)
by Maino, G

Show contributions in CDS

 Record created 1998-07-06, last modified 2021-07-30