Experiments with radioactive beams (p. 76) |
by Hansen, P G |
Recollections of the introduction of SU(3) to nuclear theory (p. 577) |
by Elliott, J P |
Elliott's SU(3) model and its developments in nuclear physics (p. 581) |
by Arima, A |
Coulomb effects in the f~7~/~2 shell (p. 599) |
by Bentley, M A |
M1 strengths in deformed nuclei (p. 605) |
by Draayer, J P |
Magnetic behaviour in the pseudo-Nilsson model (p. 611) |
by Stuchbery, A E |
On the relativistic origins of pseudo-spin symmetry in nuclei (p. 617) |
by Ginocchio, J N |
What is the effective nuclear Hamiltonian (p. 623) |
by Brown, B A |
Exotic decay modes at the proton drip line (p. 629) |
by Blank, B |
Macroscopic and microscopic models of nuclear rotations (p. 635) |
by Rowe, D J |
Relativistic effects in low-energy nuclear structure (p. 641) |
by Ring, P |
From nuclei to molecules : a symmetry adapted algebraic model of vibrational excitations(p. 649) |
by Frank, A I |
Dynamic symmetries in nuclei (p. 655) |
by Iachello, Francesco |
Many-body approximations in the presence of proton-neutron pairing (p. 661) |
by Pittel, S |
Mappings from shell-model SU(3) to boson SU(3 (p. 667) |
by Elliott, J P |
An algebraic approach to shape coexistence (p. 671) |
by De Coster, C |
T = 0 and T = 1 pairs in N assymptotically Z nuclei (p. 675) |
by Van Lsacker, P |
Discrete line spectroscopy of ^6^2~3~1Ga with AYEBALL (p. 679) |
by Vincent, S M |
Collective K^ = 0^+ vibrational excitations in ^1^7^8Hf (p. 685) |
by Aprahamian, A |
Two-phonon octupole excitations in ^2^0^8Pb and the role of E1 transitions in their decays (p. 691) |
by Yates, S W |
The 'magnetic rotation' of nuclei (p. 695) |
by Clark, R M |
Discoveries of the heaviest elements (p. 717) |
by Münzenberg, G |
Core excitation in halo nucleus break-up (p. 735) |
by Tostevin, J A |
Proton scattering on unstable nuclei (p. 741) |
by Suomijärvi, T |
New physics with radioactive beams : exotic structures in loosely bound systems(p. 747) |
by Casten, R F |
Structure of ^1^1Be from the (p, d) reaction in inverse kinematics (p. 755) |
by Winfield, J S |
Half-lives of the odd-odd N = Z nuclei ^7^8Y, ^8^2Nb, ^8^6Tc (p. 759) |
by Longour, C |
Deformation-driving intruder states in f-p-g shell nuclei (p. 763) |
by Tabor, S L |
Study of the static quadrupole moment of the K = 35/2 isomer in ^1^7^9W (p. 767) |
by Vyvey, K |
Fine structure in ^1^9^2Po à-decay and shape coexistence in ^1^8^8Pb (p. 771) |
by Page, R D |
Exotic clusterizations and the SU(3) selection rule (p. 775) |
by Algora, A |
Microscopic interacting boson-fermion model description of ^1^0^7Sn (p. 779) |
by Devi, Y D |
Electron scattering and multi-shell correlations : a symplectic shell- model study(p. 783) |
by Escher, J |
Sharp cut-off approximation for neutron pre-emission in halo ^1^1Be fusion with ^1^2C (p. 799) |
by Petrascu, M |
Large-scale nuclear structure studies of medium-mass nuclei (p. 803) |
by Petrovici, A |
Pseudo-spin symmetry and identical SD bands : the excited superdeformed bands in ^1^9^1Au(p. 807) |
by Schueck, C |
Does the independent quasiparticle picture hold in mass-190 superdeformed nuclei (p. 819) |
by Zhang, J Y |
Quadrupole-octupole coupled states in ^1^1^2Cd (p. 823) |
by Garrett, P E |
On the importance of the SU(3) description for the interpretation of the first excited K^ = 0^+ band in deformed nuclei (p. 827) |
by Lehmann, H |
Spectroscopic study of ^2^2^8^-^2^3^4Th nuclei using multi-nucleon transfer reactions (p. 831) |
by Amzal, N |
à-decay characteristics of neutron-deficient ^1^9^0^, ^1^9^2Po nuclei and alpha branching ratios of ^1^8^6^, ^1^8^8Pb isotopes (p. 835) |
by Andreyev, A N |
gamma-ray spectroscopy of neutron-deficient Ra isotopes (p. 839) |
by Cocks, J F C |
Should the Casten triangle be a pentagon (p. 843) |
by Jolie, J |
The new recurrence relation for magic numbers and some of its possible implications (p. 847) |
by Anicin, I V |
Coulomb break-up of halo nuclei within an adiabatic model (p. 851) |
by Banerjee, P |
Dripline nuclei produced by quasi-fragmentation of the ^3^2^, ^3^4^, ^3^6S primary beams (p. 859) |
by Dlouhý, Z |
Towards a new effective interaction of the Gogny type (p. 863) |
by Farine, M |
Shell-model calculations near N = Z = 28 (p. 867) |
by Harder, M K |
An investigation of shell model structure near ^5^6Ni (p. 871) |
by Halse, P |
GSI experiments in the region of heaviest elements (p. 877) |
by Hessberger, F P |
SU(3) description of the spin-orbit interaction (p. 881) |
by Vargas, C E |
Description of odd-odd nuclei using extended supersymmetry (p. 889) |
by Jolie, J |
Relative quadrupole deformations for structures in odd proton (Z = 59) Pr nuclei near mass asymptotically equal to 130 (p. 893) |
by Kondev, F G |
Exploring the I = 50-60h domain : Collective and terminating structures in ^1^5^6Dy, ^1^5^9Er and ^1^6^0Er(p. 897) |
by Kondev, F G |
Exotic cluster model of band structure in actinides (p. 901) |
by Buck, B |
Quadrupole collectivity of angular-momentum projected states of nucleons in the high-j intruder single-particle states (p. 905) |
by Raman, S |
High spin states in ^5^8Ni (p. 909) |
by Mohammadi, S |
Classical and semiclassical description of nuclear reactions induced by proton-rich nuclei (p. 913) |
by Semkin, N D |
The deformation effect on the pairing gap (p. 917) |
by Sugawara-Tanabe, K |
Effects of nuclear-shell stabilization in light nuclei (p. 921) |
by Sukhoruchkin, S I |
Isometry of SU~3 states in the strictly restricted dynamics model (p. 925) |
by Katkevicius, O |
Microscopic SU(3) model of à-particle states in 2s1d nuclei (p. 929) |
by Kurgalin, S D |
Oxygen isotopes in the hyperspherical functions method (p. 933) |
by Timofeyuk, N K |
The Dubna gas-filled recoil separator : status and developments(p. 937) |
by Tsyganov, Yu S |
A yrast study of the A = 61 isobars ^6^1~2~9Cu and ^6^1~3~0Zn (p. 941) |
by Vincent, S M |
The Wigner term in heavy nuclei (p. 949) |
by Zeldes, N |
Study of possible phase transitional behaviour in the geometric collective model and the IBA (p. 953) |
by Zhang, J Y |
Dynamical symmetries in nuclear weak interactions (p. 957) |
by Maino, G |