| The present thesis is meant to summarise the work I have conducted at the IFIC institute and at CERN for my doctoral studies. The intention is that of giving a fairly complete picture of the entire ATLAS experiment workflow from data acquisition all the way down to the final analyses. Particular focus is put on the two studies which represent my main contributions to the ATLAS Physics programme: the measurement of the electron isolation efficiencies and of the MC-to-data scale factors for two different releases of Run 2 (release 21 and release 22) and a search for the multi-leptonic final states of the Higgs Boson production in association with a pair of top quarks, briefly referred to as "ttH-ML" analysis. The thesis opens with a brief overview of the theoretical framework in which the arguments treated are encapsulated, including the Standard Model of Elementary Particles and the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking necessary to understand the Higgs mechanism. The second chapter gives a detailed description of the ATLAS experiment in the context of CERN's LHC. The third chapter represents a guide to electron performance to discover its motivation and goals. The reader is led into a journey through the ATLAS detector from the point of view of an electron, where the processes of reconstruction, identification and isolation of such fundamental objects are presented. The two chapters that follow are dedicated to the core of my work during the doctoral studies. Chapter four summarises all the work and machinery behind the measurements of the electron isolation efficiencies and scale factors, with an overview of the methods used for the measurement and the results obtained with the entire Run 2 data for the releases 21 and 22. Chapter five treats the ATLAS analysis I have been working on: the Higgs boson production in association with a pair of top quarks with a final state composed of multiple leptons. Particular focus is on the channel with three leptons in the final state. Finally, the last chapter summarises the results and the conclusions. |