| Schematic of the apparatus. Protons with $\SI{1.4}{\giga\electronvolt}$ produce radioisotopes through nuclear reactions in the target material, where tin isotopes are vaporized and then laser-ionized through resonance laser ionization (laser scheme in insert a). Here, IP stands for the ionization potential of tin, and AI denotes the energy for auto-ionizing states. Tin isotopes (red circles) and parasitically ionized contamination (blue and white circles) are extracted at $\SI{30}{\kilo\electronvolt}$ and subsequently mass separated using two electromagnets (High-Resolution Separator, HRS). Ions with the selected mass-over-charge ratio $m/q$ are collected in an ion cooler and buncher (RFQ-cb). The beam is then released in bunches, reduced in energy through the pulsed-drift tube to $\SI{3.2}{\kilo\electronvolt}$, and captured in a time-of-flight spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) at $\SI{2}{\kilo\electronvolt}$. After about $\SI{50}{\milli\second}$, the ions are released, and their flight time to an ion detector is measured. An example ToF spectrum for $m/q=106$ showing strontium-fluoride, indium, and tin is depicted in insert b). |