| Off-shell data (points) and pre-fit distributions (histograms) for the Untagged (left), \VBF-tagged (middle), and \VH-tagged (right) categories. The upper row shows $\mell$ distributions with a requirement on $\Dbkgkin>0.6$ (left), $\mathcal{D}^{{\VBF}+{\text{dec}}}_\text{bkg}>0.6$ (middle), or $\mathcal{D}^{{\VH}+{\text{dec}}}_\text{bkg}>0.6$ (right) applied for illustration purposes to enhance signal over background contributions. The middle row shows $\mathcal{D}^\text{kin}_\text{bkg}$ (left), $\mathcal{D}^{{\VBF}+{\text{dec}}}_\text{bkg}$ (middle), $\mathcal{D}^{{\VH}+{\text{dec}}}_\text{bkg}$ (right) distributions, where an additional requirement $\mell>340$\GeV is applied to enhance signal-over-background contributions. The lower row plots the $\mathcal{D}_\text{bsi}$ with both the \mell and \Dbkgkin requirements specified above. Contributions from the four processes are shown by the different colors, where ``s'', ``b'', and ``i'' refer to the signal, background, and interference contributions, respectively. The vertical bars on the points give the statistical uncertainties in the data, and the horizontal bars represent the bin widths. For the prefit distributions, the different cross sections are set to their SM values. |