| Triple-differential cross-sections, \sigtridiffJetKin, as a function of \yjets, in four \mjets intervals with \mjets increasing from the top left to the bottom right. The cross-sections are shown for the selected intervals in \mjets and integrated over the \HT acceptance. For each plot, systematic uncertainties are shown in the upper panel as shaded boxes, while statistical uncertainties shown as vertical lines are usually smaller than the size of the markers. A theoretical comparison is shown to cross-sections computed using \pythia with nCTEQ15 WZ+SIH PDFs, a photon flux from \textsc{Starlight}, and a \zg-dependent data-driven breakup fraction. The bottom panels show the ratio between the theory prediction and the data. The light red bands in the ratio panels are the quadrature sum of scale uncertainties on the cross-section, while the gray band shows the residual systematic uncertainty. The yellow band shows the point-to-point statistical uncertainty. |