Начало > Performance of a triple-GEM detector with capacitive-sharing 3-coordinate (X–Y–U)-strip anode readout > BibTeX |
@article{Gnanvo:2906210, author = "Gnanvo, Kondo and Lee, Seung Joon and Mehl, Bertrand and de Oliveira, Rui and Weisenberger, Andrew", title = "{Performance of a triple-GEM detector with capacitive-sharing 3-coordinate (X–Y–U)-strip anode readout}", archivePrefix = "arXiv", eprint = "2407.20097", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A", volume = "1066", pages = "169654", year = "2024", url = "https://cds.cern.ch/record/2906210", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2024.169654", }