| The comparisons of the predictions and observed data in \ObsOne in the \EE (upper left), \EM (upper right), and \MM (lower) channel. In this figure, the values of \ObsOne are divided by the fourth power of \mtop to provide better visibility. The vertical bars on the markers of the observed data represent the statistical uncertainties. The shaded band in the predicted distributions includes statistical and systematic uncertainties. The first and last bins in each plot includes underflow and overflow events, respectively. The ratio of the data to the predictions from simulation is presented in the lower panel of each figure. The solid blue line shows the ratio of predictions for \ImdtG = 2.6 and \ImdtG = 0, and the dashed red line represents the ratio \ImdtG = $-2.6$ and \ImdtG = 0, using the CEDM samples. |