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CERN Accelerating science

: : The ratio of the average jet energy response for (a) gluon-initiated and (b) quark-initiated jets in various MC simulation samples to the jet energy response of the nominal \PYTHIA sample, as a function of the true jet \pt for jets within the pseudorapidity range $|\eta|<0.7$.
: : The average fraction of the gluon-initiated jet's energy carried by baryons as a function of the jet \pt for jets within $|\eta|<0.7$. The nominal \PYTHIA sample is compared with (a) several \HERWIG samples with different parton shower models, and (b) several \SHERPA samples with different hadronization models and sets of tuned parameters. The dashed line provides a comparison with quark-initiated jets in the nominal \PYTHIA sample.
: : The jet energy response for (a) gluon- and (b) quark-initiated jets as a function of the baryon energy fraction, for various true jet \pt bins in the nominal \PYTHIA sample.
: The jet energy scale uncertainty for (a) gluon- and (b) quark-initiated jets produced at central pseudorapidities ($|\eta|=0$). In (c), the overall uncertainty for a dijet flavor composition is shown. The difference between the total uncertainty obtained from the previous prescriptions documented in Ref.~\cite{JETM-2018-05} and that obtained from the updated uncertainties is indicated by a filled green region, while the new total uncertainty is indicated by the filled blue region. Subcomponents of the uncertainty originating from the flavor generator/shower, shower and hadronization comparisons are indicated by different lines. : Caption not extracted
: : The breakdown of the experimental uncertainties for the (a, b) inclusive two-jet cross-section measurement and (c, d) \RThreeTwo measurement, differential in (a, c) \HTTwo with \ptthree$>60$~\GeV, and (b, d) \dymax.
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: : (a, c, e) The differential cross-section as a function of \HTTwo, in inclusive bins of \njets, and (b, d, f) the ratios of MC predictions to the measured data distribution vs. (a, b) $\ptthree > 60$~\GeV, (c, d) $\ptthree > 0.10\times\HTTwo$, and (e, f) $\ptthree > 0.30\times\HTTwo$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : (a) The differential cross-section is shown as a function of \ptnincl, in inclusive bins of \njets, and (b) the ratios of MC predictions to the measured data distribution. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
: : The differential cross-section as a function of (a) \dyjj and (c) \mjj, in inclusive bins of \njets, and the ratios of MC predictions to the measured data distribution in bins of \njets vs. (b) \dyjj and (d) \mjj. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : The differential cross-section as a function of (a) \dymax and (c) \mjjmax, in inclusive bins of \njets, and the ratios of MC predictions to the measured data distribution in bins of \njets vs. (b) \dymax and (d) \mjjmax. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : (a, b, c) \RThreeTwo vs.\ \HTTwo, (d, e, f) \RFourTwo vs.\ \HTTwo, (g, h, i) \RFourThree vs.\ \HTTwo, and (j, k, l) \RFiveFour vs.\ \HTTwo, with (a, d, g, j) \ptthree > 60~\GeV, (b, e, h, k) $\ptthree > 0.10\times\HTTwo$ and (c, f, i, l) $\ptthree > 0.3\times\HTTwo$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: (a) \RThreeTwo vs.\ \ptnincl, (b) \RFourTwo vs.\ \ptnincl, and (c) \RFourThree vs.\ \ptnincl. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range. : Caption not extracted
: : (a) \RThreeTwo, (b) \RFourTwo, (c) \RFourThree, and (d) \RFiveFour vs. \dyjj with $\ptthree > 60~\GeV$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : (a) \RThreeTwo, (b) \RFourTwo, (c) \RFourThree, and (d) \RFiveFour vs. \mjj with $\ptthree > 60~\GeV$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : (a) \RThreeTwo, (b) \RFourTwo, (c) \RFourThree, and (d) \RFiveFour vs. \dymax with $\ptthree > 60~\GeV$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: : (a) \RThreeTwo, (b) \RFourTwo, (c) \RFourThree, and (d) \RFiveFour vs. \mjjmax with $\ptthree > 60~\GeV$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the MC predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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: \RThreeTwo vs.~\HTTwo~with~(a) $\ptthree > 60~\GeV$, (b) $\ptthree > 0.10\times\HTTwo$, and (c) $\ptthree > 0.30\times\HTTwo$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The theory error bands include contributions from the statistical, PDF, and scale variations, where the scale variations are determined from a seven-point variation of the renormalization and factorization scales used in the prediction. The statistical uncertainty on the theory predictions is illustrated with a vertical line. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range. : Caption not extracted
: : \RThreeTwo vs. (a)~\dyjj, (b)~\dymax, (c)~\mjj and (d)~\mjjmax~with~$\ptthree > 60~\GeV$. The data error bands show the statistical and systematic components summed in quadrature. The theory error bands are determined from a seven-point variation of the renormalization and factorization scales used in the prediction. The statistical uncertainty on the theory predictions is illustrated with a vertical line. The lower figure panels provide ratios of the predictions to the unfolded data. Arrows are used to indicated cases where the ratio falls outside of the plotted ratio range.
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