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CERN Accelerating science

The $\etiso$ distributions with tight (dots) and non-tight (dashed histograms, normalised according to the $\chi^2$ fit described in the text) photon candidates in data with $\etg>250$~\GeV\ and $|\etag|<1.37$ or $1.56<|\etag|<2.37$ for $R=0.2$ (a) and $R=0.4$ (b). The MC simulation of the signal using \sher\ is also shown (dotted histogram, normalised according to the $\chi^2$ fit described in the text). The solid histogram is the sum of the contributions of the MC simulation of the signal using \sher\ and that of the non-tight photon candidates and normalised according to the $\chi^2$ fit described in the text.
Estimated signal purities in data using the signal leakage fractions from {\sher} (dots) and {\pyt} (open circles) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$ for $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l). The data statistical uncertainties in the signal purity are represented as solid (dashed) error bars for the determination using the signal leakage fractions of \pyt\ (\sher). The arrows in (e) and (k) indicate the direction in which the central values of the estimated signal purities are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Estimated signal yields per \GeV\ in data (dots) using the signal leakage fractions from {\sher} as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$ for $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l). For comparison, the MC simulations of the signal from {\sher} (dashed histograms) and {\pyt} (solid histograms) are also included. The MC distributions are normalised to the number of data events in each $\etag$ region using the factors shown in parenthesis. The ratio of the normalised MC and data distributions is shown in the lower part of the figures. The error bars display the statistical uncertainty of the data. The arrows in (a), (c), (e) (f), (g), (h), (i), (k) and (l) indicate the direction in which the ratio of the normalised MC and data distributions are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Relative systematic uncertainties in the differential cross sections as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$ for $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l): total (black histograms), and main contributions from photon energy scale (grey areas), luminosity (green hatched areas), $\rbg$ correlation (red areas, only for $R=0.2$) and pile-up modelling (blue areas, only for $R=0.4$).
Relative total systematic uncertainty in the ratios of the differential cross sections for $R=0.2$ and $R=0.4$ (black histograms), relative uncertainty due to the pile-up modelling (blue areas), relative uncertainty due to the MC modelling used for unfolding (green areas) and relative uncertainty due to the $\rbg$ correlation (red hatched areas) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$.
Relative difference between the \jetp\ predictions based on the CT18 (solid lines), NNPDF3.1 (dashed lines), HERAPDF2.0 (dotted lines) and ATLASpdf21 (dot-dashed lines) and those based on the MMHT2014 PDFs for $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$. The arrows in (f) and (l) indicate the direction in which the relative differences are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Relative theoretical uncertainty in \jetp\ arising from scale variations (grey areas), PDF uncertainty (cyan areas), $\as$ uncertainty (red hatched areas) and the total theoretical uncertainty (black histogram, which includes the uncertainty in the non-perturbative corrections) for the differential cross sections with $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$.
Relative theoretical uncertainty in \sher\ NLO arising from scale variations (grey areas), PDF uncertainty (cyan areas), $\as$ uncertainty (red hatched areas) and the total theoretical uncertainty (black histogram) for the differential cross sections with $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$.
Relative theoretical uncertainty in \nnlojet\ arising from scale variations in the NLO (grey areas) and NNLO (violet areas) predictions for the differential cross sections with $R=0.2$ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and $R=0.4$ (g, h, i, j, k, l) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$.
Relative theoretical uncertainty in \jetp\ (a, b, c, d, e, f) and \sher\ NLO (g, h, i, j, k, l) arising from scale variations (grey areas), PDF uncertainty (cyan areas), $\as$ uncertainty (red hatched areas) and the total theoretical uncertainty (black histogram, which includes the uncertainty in the non-perturbative corrections in the case of \jetp) for the ratio of the differential cross sections as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$.
Relative theoretical uncertainty in the NNLO pQCD prediction for the ratio of the differential cross sections as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$ from \nnlojet\ due to scale variations (grey areas). The relative theoretical uncertainty in the NLO pQCD prediction for the ratio from \jetp\ due to the uncertainty in the PDFs (cyan areas) and the uncertainty in $\as$ (red hatched areas) are also shown. The total relative theoretical uncertainty in the ratio is shown as the black histogram and also includes the uncertainty in the non-perturbative corrections and the statistical uncertainty in the NNLO pQCD predictions.
Measured differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production as functions of $\etg$ in $|\etag|<0.6$ (dots), $0.6<|\etag|<0.8$ (open circles), $0.8<|\etag|<1.37$ (black squares), $1.56<|\etag|<1.81$ (open squares), $1.81<|\etag|<2.01$ (black triangles) and $2.01<|\etag|<2.37$ (open triangles) for $R=0.2$ (a) and $R=0.4$ (b). The NLO pQCD predictions from \jetp\ (blue lines) based on the MMHT2014 PDFs, the ME+PS@NLO QCD predictions from \sher\ NLO (brown lines) based on the NNPDF3.0 PDFs and the NNLO pQCD predictions from \nnlojet\ based on the CT18NNLO PDFs (black lines) are also shown. The measurements and the predictions are normalised by the factors shown in parentheses for each $\etag$ region to aid visibility. The error bars represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. For most of the points, the error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The hatched and shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainty.
Ratio of the NLO pQCD calculations from \sher\ NLO based on the NNPDF3.0 PDF set and the measured differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production with $R=0.2$ (a) and $R=0.4$ (b) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature). For most of the points, the inner error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The hatched bands represent the theoretical uncertainty. The arrows indicate the direction in which the ratios of the calculations from \sher\ NLO and the measured differential cross sections are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Ratio of the NLO pQCD calculations from \jetp\ based on different PDF sets and the measured differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production with $R=0.2$ (a) and $R=0.4$ (b) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature). For most of the points, the inner error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainty. The arrows indicate the direction in which the ratios of the calculations from \jetp\ and the measured differential cross sections are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Ratio of the NLO (dotted lines) and NNLO (solid lines) pQCD calculations from \nnlojet\ based on the CT18 PDF set and the measured differential cross sections for isolated-photon production with $R=0.2$ (a) and $R=0.4$ (b) as functions of $\etg$ in different regions of $\etag$. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature). For most of the points, the inner error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainties. The arrows indicate the direction in which the ratios of the calculations from \nnlojet\ and the measured differential cross sections are located since they are outside of the plotted range in these bins.
Measured fiducial integrated cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production as functions of $R$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO pQCD predictions from \sher\ NLO based on the NNPDF3.0 PDF set are also shown. The error bars represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. For some of the points, the error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The hatched bands represent the theoretical uncertainties.
Measured fiducial integrated cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production as functions of $R$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO pQCD predictions from \jetp\ based on different PDF sets are also shown. The error bars represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. For some of the points, the error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainties.
Measured fiducial integrated cross sections for isolated-photon production as functions of $R$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO (dotted lines) and NNLO (solid lines) pQCD predictions from \nnlojet\ based on the CT18 PDF set are also shown. The error bars represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature. For some of the points, the error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible. The shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainties.
Measured ratios of the differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production for $R=0.2$ and $R=0.4$ as functions of $\etg$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO pQCD predictions from \sher\ NLO based on the NNPDF3.0 PDF set are also shown. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature) and the hatched bands represent the theoretical uncertainty. For some of the points, the inner and outer error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible.
Measured ratios of the differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production for $R=0.2$ and $R=0.4$ as functions of $\etg$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO pQCD predictions from \jetp\ based on different PDF sets are also shown. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature) and the shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainties. For some of the points, the inner and outer error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible.
Measured ratios of the differential cross sections for inclusive isolated-photon production for $R=0.2$ and $R=0.4$ as functions of $\etg$ in different $\etag$ regions. The NLO (dotted lines) and NNLO (solid lines) pQCD predictions from \nnlojet\ based on the CT18 PDF set are also shown. The inner (outer) error bars represent the statistical uncertainties (statistical and systematic uncertainties added in quadrature) and the shaded bands represent the theoretical uncertainties. For some of the points, the inner and outer error bars are smaller than the marker size and, thus, not visible.