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CERN Accelerating science

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Jet multiplicity in the SR. The signal prediction is based on the \PHPYEIGHT\ generator. The background is the sum of the data-driven multi-jet estimate and the MC-based expectation for the contributions of non-all-hadronic \ttbar\ production processes. Statistical uncertainties combined with systematic uncertainties are shown in hatching. Overflow events are included in the last bin.
Jet multiplicity in the SR. The signal prediction is based on the \PHPYEIGHT\ generator. The background is the sum of the data-driven multi-jet estimate and the MC-based expectation for the contributions of non-all-hadronic \ttbar\ production processes. Statistical uncertainties combined with systematic uncertainties are shown in hatching. Data points are placed at the centre of each bin and overflow events are included in the last bin.
: \small{The~(a) acceptance $f_\mathrm{acc}$} and~(b) efficiency $\epsilon$ corrections in bins of detector- and particle-level $\pt$, respectively, and~(c) the particle-to-detector-level migration matrix (evaluated with the MC $\ttbar$ signal sample) for the transverse momentum of the leading top quark.
: \small{The~(a) acceptance $f_\mathrm{acc}$} and~(b) efficiency $\epsilon$ corrections in bins of detector- and particle-level $\pttl$, respectively, and~(c) the particle-to-detector-level migration matrix (evaluated with the MC $\ttbar$ signal sample) for the transverse momentum of the leading top quark.
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Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-sections as a function of the azimuthal separation $\deltaPhittbar$ between the two top-quark candidates. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-sections as a function of the azimuthal separation $\deltaPhittbar$ between the two top-quark candidates. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-section as a function of the ratio of $W$-boson \pt to parent top-quark \pt for the leading top quark, \RWtl. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-section as a function of the ratio of the $W$-boson \pt to its parent top-quark \pt for the leading top quark, \RWtl. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
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Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-section as a function of the angular separation $\Delta R$ between the leading `extra jet' and leading jet. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
Particle-level normalised single-differential cross-section as a function of the angular separation $\Delta R$ between the leading extra jet and leading jet. \unfoldedplotcaption\,
: Comparison of the ATLAS data with the fully simulated nominal SM predictions~(a) for the leading top-quark transverse momentum. \dataMCplotcaption\ Overflow events are included in the last bin of every distribution shown. Single-differential normalised cross-section measurements, unfolded at parton level~(b), as a function of the leading top-quark transverse momentum. The unfolded data are compared with theoretical predictions. \unfoldedplotcaption\, Fractional uncertainties for the normalised single-differential distributions unfolded at parton level~(c) as a function of the leading top-quark transverse momentum. \reluncertplotcaption\,
: Comparison of the ATLAS data with the fully simulated nominal SM predictions~(a) for the leading top-quark transverse momentum. \dataMCplotcaption\ Overflow events are included in the last bin of every distribution shown. Single-differential normalised cross-section measurements, unfolded at parton level~(b), as a function of the leading top-quark transverse momentum. The unfolded data are compared with theoretical predictions. \unfoldedplotcaption\, Fractional uncertainties for the normalised single-differential distributions unfolded at parton level~(c) as a function of the leading top-quark transverse momentum. \reluncertplotcaption\,
Comparison of the measured inclusive fiducial cross-section with the predictions from several MC generators. The yellow band represents the total uncertainty in the data. The tiny orange band represents the statisical uncertainty only. The uncertainty in the cross-section predicted by each NLO MC generator only includes the uncertainty (due to PDFs, $\mt$ and $\alphas$) affecting the $K$-factor used in the normalisation.
Comparison of the measured inclusive fiducial cross-section with the predictions from several MC generators. The yellow band represents the total uncertainty in the data. The orange band represents the statisical uncertainty only. The uncertainty in the cross-section predicted by each NLO MC generator only includes the uncertainty (due to scales, PDFs, $\mt$ and $\alphas$) affecting the $K$-factor used in the normalisation.