| The chart of nuclides color coded to show the stable nuclei (288) in black and nuclei that have been shown to exist in grey ($\sim$3350). Approximately 7000 nuclei, inside the drip lines, are predicted to exist~\cite{Erler12}. Nuclei estimated to be involved in the astrophysical $r$ process~\cite{jina} are shown in blue. The isotope $^{207}$Hg is marked with a red asterisk, lying in the region shaded yellow with boundaries at $Z=82$ and $N=126$. The bold lines show the traditional magic numbers. The inset shows the region around $^{207}$Hg. In the inset only, nuclei with at least one known excited state ($\sim$2100 across the entire chart) are shown in green~\cite{nudat,Steer11}. |