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CERN Accelerating science

The \LO diagrams for production of a heavy charged Higgs boson, showing the production with a top and bottom quark (4FS) (\cmsLeft) and via an $s$-channel process (\cmsRight).
The \LO diagrams for production of a heavy charged Higgs boson, showing the production with a top and bottom quark (4FS) (\cmsLeft) and via an $s$-channel process (\cmsRight).
Data and \SM background for the event sample with one \tjet as a function of the charged Higgs boson candidate mass. The category t1b is shown and the background normalization is fixed to the SM expectation. The signal mass distributions for associated and $s$-channel production of an \Hpm with $\mHpm=1\TeV$ normalized with a cross section times branching fraction of 1\pb are superimposed as open histograms. The signal mass window ``in'' for associated production is shown together with the sidebands ``below'' and ``above'' for the mass hypothesis of 1\TeV.
The efficiency of the \toptaggingRes\ selection in simulated \ttbar pairs and the misidentification rate for QCD multijet background, as a function of top quark or top quark candidate \pt, respectively (\cmsLeft). The \pt distribution of the leading \toptaggingRes (\cmsRight) for the signal model and background with normalization fixed to the SM expectation. The dominant background containing misidentified {\bjet}s is primarily composed of QCD multijet processes. The expectation for a signal with $\mHpm=0.8\TeV$ is also shown.
The efficiency of the \toptaggingRes\ selection in simulated \ttbar pairs and the misidentification rate for QCD multijet background, as a function of top quark or top quark candidate \pt, respectively (\cmsLeft). The \pt distribution of the leading \toptaggingRes (\cmsRight) for the signal model and background with normalization fixed to the SM expectation. The dominant background containing misidentified {\bjet}s is primarily composed of QCD multijet processes. The expectation for a signal with $\mHpm=0.8\TeV$ is also shown.
Expected event yields for the \boostedAnalysis in the mass window as defined in Fig.~\ref{fig:MassCandidate_Signal} for a \Hpm with mass 1\TeV in each of the signal categories used with the associated production model. The 11 categories on the left contain low jet multiplicity ($N_{\text{jets}} < 3$), while categories on the right have high jet multiplicity ($N_{\text{jets}} \ge 3$). The yields observed in data (black markers) are overlaid. The dashed lines represent the yields for an \Hpm with a mass of 1\TeV and $\sigma\mathcal{B}=1\pb$ for associated production. The background distributions result from the global fit described in the text for the background-only hypothesis. Similar categories are fitted for the $s$-channel production.
Variables used in the limit extraction. The \HT distribution for the \boostedAnalysis and for the category t1b, 2b, $N_{\text{jets}} \geq 3$ (\cmsLeft), for the associated production channels, with the expected signal shown for $\mHpm=1\TeV$. The invariant mass of the \PHpm candidates for the \resolvedAnalysis (\cmsRight), with the expected signal shown for $\mHpm=0.8\TeV$. The background distributions result from the background-only fit discussed in the text. The distributions are binned according to the statistical precision of the samples, leading to wider bins in the tail of the distributions.
Variables used in the limit extraction. The \HT distribution for the \boostedAnalysis and for the category t1b, 2b, $N_{\text{jets}} \geq 3$ (\cmsLeft), for the associated production channels, with the expected signal shown for $\mHpm=1\TeV$. The invariant mass of the \PHpm candidates for the \resolvedAnalysis (\cmsRight), with the expected signal shown for $\mHpm=0.8\TeV$. The background distributions result from the background-only fit discussed in the text. The distributions are binned according to the statistical precision of the samples, leading to wider bins in the tail of the distributions.
Upper limits at 95\% \ConfLevel on the cross section times branching fraction as a function of \mHpm for the associated (\cmsLeft) and $s$-channel (\cmsRight) processes. The observed upper limits are shown by the solid black markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval for the expected limits are also shown. For the associated channel limits are calculated from the resolved (boosted) analysis for \mHpm points less (greater) than 0.9\TeV.
Upper limits at 95\% \ConfLevel on the cross section times branching fraction as a function of \mHpm for the associated (\cmsLeft) and $s$-channel (\cmsRight) processes. The observed upper limits are shown by the solid black markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval for the expected limits are also shown. For the associated channel limits are calculated from the resolved (boosted) analysis for \mHpm points less (greater) than 0.9\TeV.
Excluded parameter space region in the hMSSM scenario (\cmsLeft) and \mhonetwentyfive (\cmsRight). The observed upper limits are shown by the solid black markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval for the expected limits are also shown. The region below the red line is excluded assuming that the observed neutral Higgs boson is the light CP-even \TwoHDM Higgs boson with a mass of ${125\pm 3\GeV}$, where the uncertainty is the theoretical uncertainty in the mass calculation.
Excluded parameter space region in the hMSSM scenario (\cmsLeft) and \mhonetwentyfive (\cmsRight). The observed upper limits are shown by the solid black markers. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval for the expected limits are also shown. The region below the red line is excluded assuming that the observed neutral Higgs boson is the light CP-even \TwoHDM Higgs boson with a mass of ${125\pm 3\GeV}$, where the uncertainty is the theoretical uncertainty in the mass calculation.
Upper limits at 95\% \ConfLevel on the cross section times branching fraction as function of \mHpm for the process $\sPPtoHtb\BHtb$. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval expected limits are also shown (\cmsLeft). The relative expected contribution of each channel to the overall combination is shown (\cmsRight). The black solid line corresponds to the combined expected limits while the dashed, dotted and dash-dotted represent the contributing channels.
Upper limits at 95\% \ConfLevel on the cross section times branching fraction as function of \mHpm for the process $\sPPtoHtb\BHtb$. The median expected limit (dashed line), 68\% (inner green band), and 95\% (outer yellow band) confidence interval expected limits are also shown (\cmsLeft). The relative expected contribution of each channel to the overall combination is shown (\cmsRight). The black solid line corresponds to the combined expected limits while the dashed, dotted and dash-dotted represent the contributing channels.