| First column: $a^{UU,excl}_{\cos\phi_h}$ amplitude for $h^+$ (red squares) and $h^-$ (black squares). Second column: $r\,a^{UU,excl}_{\cos\phi_h}$ for $h^+$ (red squares) and $h^-$ (black squares). Third column: $A^{UU}_{\cos\phi_h}$ asymmetry after the subtraction of exclusive-VM hadron contribution for $h^+$ (red circles) and $h^-$ (black circles). Last column: comparison between the asymmetry for $h^+$ before (open circles) and after (full circles) exclusive-VM hadron subtraction. From bottom to top, results for increasing values of $z$ are shown, as indicated on the very right of the figure. All the results refer to the first $p_T^h$ bin (0.1~GeV/c~$ |