| In the framework of the HL-LHC project, the present LHC low-β superconducting quadrupoles will be substituted with higher performance Nb3Sn magnets (MQXF) with 11.4 T coil peak field. MQXF coils are impregnated with epoxy resin to reduce risk of stress concentration on the brittle conductor. The magnet quench protection is provided by CLIQ and quench heaters to ensure a redundant system. Quench heaters are impregnated with the coils in order to have suitable thermal contact with them, and to prevent the hot spot temperature from exceeding 350K during normal operation in case of a quench. Quench heaters are insulated from the coil by S-2 Glass and polyimide. The test of the first MQXF prototype (4 m long) MQXFAP1 was stopped by a coil-to-ground short circuit triggered by a heater-to-coil short. This issue triggered a root analysis of the causes of this short. Here we prove that the use of a non-conforming cloth in coil impregnation, further weakened by non-conforming high voltage test, has triggered the shorts. Moreover, we present an analysis of the heater-to-coil insulation strength, showing the role of blistering phenomena and how they are triggered by a combination of magnet powering and heater firing. |