First Results of the IOTA Ring Research at Fermilab (p. 19) |
by Valishev, Alexander |
Combined Effect of Beam-Beam Interaction and Beam Coupling Impedance in Future Circular Colliders (p. 25) |
by Zhang, Yuan |
Power Deposition in Superconducting Dispersion Suppressor Magnets Downstream of the Betatron Cleaning Insertion for HL-LHC (p. 37) |
by Waets, Andreas |
Risk of Halo-Induced Magnet Quenches in the HL-LHC Beam Dump Insertion (p. 41) |
by Potoine, Jean-Baptiste |
Studies for an LHC Pilot Run with Oxygen Beams (p. 53) |
by Bruce, Roderik |
Optics Configurations for Improved Machine Impedance and Cleaning Performance of a Multi-Stage Collimation Insertion (p. 57) |
by Bruce, Roderik |
Exploiting the Beam-Beam Wire Demonstrators in the Next LHC Run 3 (p. 65) |
by Poyet, Axel |
Radiation to Electronics Impact on CERN LHC Operation: Run 2 Overview and HL-LHC Outlook (p. 80) |
by Aguiar, Ygor |
FailSim: A Numerical Toolbox for the Study of Fast Failures and Their Impact on Machine Protection at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (p. 111) |
by Hernalsteens, Cédric |
Experimental Test of a New Method to Verify Retraction Margins Between Dump Absorbers and Tertiary Collimators at the LHC (p. 115) |
by Wiesner, Christoph |
Efficient Coupling of Hydrodynamic and Energy-Deposition Codes for Hydrodynamic-Tunnelling Studies on High-Energy Particle Accelerators (p. 119) |
by Wiesner, Christoph |
Improving the Luminosity Burn-Off Estimate by Considering Single-Diffractive Effects (p. 130) |
by Van der Veken, Frederik |
Using Machine Learning to Improve Dynamic Aperture Estimates (p. 134) |
by Van der Veken, Frederik F |
Burn-Off with Asymmetric Interaction Points (p. 138) |
by Tomás García, Rogelio |
Estimates of Collective Effects for the FCC-$e^+e^-$ Pre-Booster Ring (p. 148) |
by Etisken, Ozgur |
The Multi-Mega-Watt Target Station for the European Spallation Source Neutrino Super Beam (p. 466) |
by Baussan, Eric |
A Compact, Low-Field, Broadband Matching Section for Externally-Powered X-Band Dielectric-Loaded Accelerating Structures (p. 495) |
by Wei, Yelong |
Nanoplasmonic Accelerators Towards Tens of TeraVolts per Meter Gradients Using Nanomaterials (p. 574) |
by Sahai, Aakash A |
Physics Program and Experimental for AWAKE Run 2 (p. 586) |
by Muggli, Patric |
ELENA Commissioning and Status (p. 598) |
by Carli, Christian |
Systematic Effects Limiting the Sensitivity of "Magic Energy" Proton EDM Rings (p. 602) |
by Carli, Christian |
A Framework for Dynamic Aperture Studies for Colliding Beams in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (p. 620) |
by Kostoglou, Sofia |
Unsupervised Learning Techniques for Tune Cleaning Measurement (p. 624) |
by García Morales, Hector |
HL-LHC Local Linear Optics Correction at the Interaction Regions (p. 628) |
by García Morales, Hector |
Comparison of Segment-by-Segment and Action-Phase-Jump Techniques in the Calculation of IR Local Corrections in LHC (p. 632) |
by García Morales, Hector |
The Optics Design for the Final Focus System of CLIC 380 GeV (p. 748) |
by Pastushenko, Andrii |
Tunability Study of the Ultra-Low β* Optics at ATF2 with New Octupole Setup and Tuning Knobs (p. 752) |
by Pastushenko, Andrii |
Design of the Proton and Electron Transfer Lines for AWAKE Run 2c (p. 778) |
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca |
Corrections of Non-Linear Field Errors with Asymmetric Optics in LHC and HL-LHC Insertion Regions (p. 817) |
by Dilly, Joschua |
Corrections of Feed-Down of Non-Linear Field Errors in LHC and HL-LHC Insertion Regions (p. 821) |
by Dilly, Joschua |
Non-Invasive Beam Profile Monitoring for the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens (p. 884) |
by Salehilashkajani, Amir |
Simulations of Space-Charge and Guiding Fields Effects on the Performance of Gas Jet Profile Monitoring (p. 898) |
by Sedláček, Ondrej |
Commissioning the New CERN Beam Instrumentation Following the Upgrade of the LHC Injector Chain (p. 976) |
by Roncarolo, Federico |
The CMS ECAL Enfourneur: a gigantic machine with a soft touch (p. 986) |
by Pettinacci, Valerio |
Machine Learning Models for Breakdown Prediction in RF Cavities for Accelerators (p. 1068) |
by Obermair, Christoph |
Machine Learning with a Hybrid Model for Monitoring of the Protection Systems of the LHC (p. 1072) |
by Obermair, Christoph |
Shielded Pair Method for Cylindrical Surface Resistance Measurement at Cryogenic Temperature (p. 1132) |
by Brunner, Kristóf |
X-Band RF Spiral Load Optimization for Additive Manufacturing Mass Production (p. 1143) |
by Bursali, Hikmet |
Creating Exact Multipolar Fields in Accelerating RF Cavities via an Azimuthally Modulated Design (p. 1154) |
by Wroe, Laurence M |
BDSIM Developments for Hadron Therapy Centre Applications (p. 1252) |
by Ramoisiaux, Eliott |
Progress in Mastering Electron Clouds at the Large Hadron Collider (p. 1273) |
by Iadarola, Giovanni |
Loss of Transverse Landau Damping by Diffusion in High-Energy Hadron Colliders (p. 1286) |
by Furuseth, Sondre V |
Ferro-Electric Fast Reactive Tuner Applications for SRF Cavities (p. 1305) |
by Shipman, Nicholas C |
Comparison of Accelerator Codes for Simulation of Lepton Colliders (p. 1334) |
by van Riesen-Haupt, Léon |
Emittance Estimates for the Future Circular Collider (p. 1338) |
by van Riesen-Haupt, Léon |
The Impact of Beam Position Monitor Tilts on Coupling Measurements (p. 1342) |
by van Riesen-Haupt, Léon |
SuperKEKB Optics Measurements Using Turn-by-Turn Beam Position Data (p. 1352) |
by Keintzel, Jacqueline |
Impact of Bunch Current on Optics Measurements in SuperKEKB (p. 1356) |
by Keintzel, Jacqueline |
Momentum Compaction Factor Measurements in the Large Hadron Collider (p. 1360) |
by Keintzel, Jacqueline |
A CLIC Dual Beam Delivery System for Two Interaction Regions (p. 1364) |
by Cilento, Vera |
A High-Resolution, Low-Latency, Bunch-by-Bunch Feedback System for Nano-Beam Stabilization (p. 1378) |
by Ramjiawan, Rebecca |
A Sub-Micron Resolution, Bunch-by-Bunch Beam Trajectory Feedback System and Its Application to Reducing Wakefield Effects in Single-Pass Beamlines (p. 1382) |
by Bett, Douglas R |
Review of Accelerator Limitations and Routes to Ultimate Beams (p. 1397) |
by Zimmermann, Frank |
Construction and Installation of the New CERN Proton Synchrotron Internal Beam Dumps (p. 1409) |
by Andersen, Kristian G |
S-Band Transverse Deflecting Structure Design for CompactLight (p. 1540) |
by Wu, Xiaowei |
High-Gradient Breakdown Studies of an X-Band Accelerating Structure Operated in the Reversed Taper Direction (p. 1543) |
by Wu, Xiaowei |
Novel Open Cavity for Rotating Mode SLED-Type RF Pulse Compressors (p. 1547) |
by Wu, Xiaowei |
Electron Witness Constraints for AWAKE (p. 1753) |
by Farmer, John P |
Awake Run 2 at CERN (p. 1757) |
by Gschwendtner, Edda |
Preparation for Electron-Seeding of Proton Bunch Self-Modulation in AWAKE (p. 1761) |
by Zevi Della Porta, Giovanni |
Modeling Particle Stability Plots for Accelerator Optimization Using Adaptive Sampling (p. 1923) |
by Schenk, Michael |
Non-Linear Variation of the Beta-Beating Measured From Amplitude (p. 1949) |
by Pugnat, Thomas |
Cooling of an Annular Beam by Using Nonlinear Effects (p. 1968) |
by Capoani, Federico |
Linear Coupling and Adiabaticity of Emittance Exchange (p. 1972) |
by Capoani, Federico |
Diffusive Models for Nonlinear Beam Dynamics (p. 1976) |
by Montanari, Carlo Emilio |
Investigation of Damping Effects of the Crab Cavity Noise Induced Emittance Growth (p. 2054) |
by Triantafyllou, Natalia |
The HL-LHC Beam Gas Vertex Monitor - Simulations for Design Optimisation and Performance Study (p. 2120) |
by Guerin, Helene |
Feasibility Study of ChDR Diagnostic Device in the LHC (p. 2139) |
by Łasocha, Kacper |
Robust Optical Instrumentation for Accelerator Alignment Using Frequency Scanning Interferometry (p. 2203) |
by Sosin, Mateusz |
Mechanical Consolidation of the LHC Inner Triplet Magnet Supporting System for Remote Alignment (p. 2207) |
by Micolon, Frederic |
SPS Personnel Protection System: From Design to Commissioning (p. 2224) |
by Ladzinski, Tomasz |
New Operational Quantities for Radiation Protection by ICRU and ICRP: Impact on Workplaces at Accelerators (p. 2231) |
by Otto, Thomas |
Benchmarking of the Radiation Environment Simulations for CMS Experiment at LHC (p. 2235) |
by Azhgirey, Igor L |
Physical Design of the Radiation Shielding for the CMS Experiment at LHC (p. 2246) |
by Azhgirey, Igor L |
Redesign and Upgrade of the LHC Access Control System (p. 2249) |
by Hakulinen, Timo |
Data-Driven Risk Matrices for CERN’s Accelerators (p. 2260) |
by Cartier-Michaud, Thomas |
Optimization of Two-Cell Cavities for the W and H Working Points of the FCC-ee Considering Higher-Order Mode Effects (p. 2292) |
by Udongwo, Sosoho-Abasi |
Availability Modeling of the Solid-State Power Amplifiers for the CERN SPS RF Upgrade (p. 2308) |
by Felsberger, Lukas |
Feasibility Study for the Novel CERN PS Fast Extraction Septum (p. 2363) |
by Helseth, Trygve |
Superconducting Magnets for Super-FRS: Production and Testing Status (p. 2405) |
by Müller, Hans |
Design Study of the Nb₃Sn Cos-Theta Dipole Model for FCC-hh (p. 2421) |
by Valente, Riccardo U |
Conceptual Design of the Vacuum System for the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee Main Rings (p. 2438) |
by Kersevan, Roberto |
RF Characterisation of New Coatings for Future Circular Collider Beam Screens (p. 2453) |
by Krkotić, Patrick |
Review of Technologies for Ion Therapy Accelerators (p. 2465) |
by Norman, H X Q |
Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Validation of Low-Pressure Beam Windows for XCET Detectors at CERN (p. 2487) |
by Buesa Orgaz, Jan |
Successful Crabbing of Proton Beams (p. 2510) |
by Calaga, Rama |
Study of Pb-Pb and Pb-p Collision Debris in the CERN LHC in View of HL-LHC Operation (p. 2528) |
by Sabaté-Gilarte, Marta |
Transverse Beam Profile Measurements from Extraction Losses in the PS (p. 2548) |
by Hunt, James R |
Accelerator Challenges of the LHeC Project (p. 2570) |
by Holzer, Bernhard |
Preliminary Investigation into Accelerators for In-Situ Cultural Heritage Research (p. 2605) |
by Charles, Tessa K |
Optimisation of the CLIC Positron Source (p. 2613) |
by Zhao, Yongke |
Comparison of Different Matching Device Field Profiles for the FCC-ee Positron Source (p. 2617) |
by Zhao, Yongke |
Crystal Collimation of 20 MJ Heavy-Ion Beams at the HL-LHC (p. 2644) |
by D'Andrea, Marco |
Release of Crystal Routine for Multi-Turn Proton Simulations within SixTrack v5 (p. 2648) |
by D'Andrea, Marco |
Optics Measurements and Correction Plans for the HL-LHC (p. 2656) |
by Persson, Tobias |
Commissioning of a New X-Band, Low-Noise LLRF System (p. 2683) |
by Edwards, Amelia V |
Consolidation and Future Upgrades to the CLEAR User Facility at CERN (p. 2700) |
by Dyks, Luke A |
Status of VHEE Radiotherapy Related Studies at the CLEAR User Facility at CERN (p. 2704) |
by Corsini, Roberto |
Front-to-End Simulations of the Energy Recovery Linac for the LHeC Project (p. 2740) |
by André, Kévin |
Stripline Kickers for Injection Into PETRA IV (p. 2863) |
by Loisch, Gregor |
Preliminary Simulation of CERN’s Linac4 H⁻ Source Beam Formation (p. 2947) |
by Vnuchenko, Anna |
Carbon Nanotubes as Cold Electron Field Emitters for Electron Cooling in the CERN Extra Low Energy Antiproton (ELENA) Ring (p. 2975) |
by Galante, Bruno |
Simulation Study of Electron Beam Acceleration with Non-Gaussian Transverse Profiles for AWAKE Run 2 (p. 3012) |
by Liang, Linbo |
Design and Beam Dynamics Studies of a Novel Compact Recoil Separator Ring for Nuclear Research with Radioactive Beams (p. 3031) |
by Resta-López, Javier |
Target Bypass Beam Optics for Future High Intensity Fixed Target Experiments in the CERN North Area (p. 3046) |
by D'Alessandro, Gian Luigi |
Studies for the K12 High-Intensity Kaon Beam at CERN (p. 3049) |
by D'Alessandro, Gian Luigi |
The ENUBET Multi Momentum Secondary Beamline Design (p. 3053) |
by Parozzi, Elisabetta G |
Beam Commissioning of the New 160 MeV H⁻ Injection System of the CERN PS Booster (p. 3116) |
by Renner, Elisabeth |
Update of the Transverse Proton Synchrotron Impedance Model (p. 3149) |
by Joly, Sébastien |
Transverse and Longitudinal Single Bunch Instabilities in FCC-ee (p. 3153) |
by Carideo, Emanuela |
Mechanism of Longitudinal Single-Bunch Instability in the CERN SPS (p. 3161) |
by Karpov, Ivan |
Longitudinal Microwave Instability Study at Transition Crossing with Ion Beams in the CERN PS (p. 3197) |
by Lasheen, Alexandre |
Optimization and Machine Learning Applied to the RF Manipulations of Proton Beams in the CERN PS (p. 3201) |
by Lasheen, Alexandre |
Interplay Between Space Charge, Intra-Beam Scattering, and Synchrotron Radiation Effects (p. 3220) |
by Zampetakis, Michail |
The Precision Laser Inclinometer (p. 3305) |
by Di Girolamo, Beniamino |
The Consolidation of the CERN Beam Interlock System (p. 3309) |
by Johnson, Roland |
CERN SPS Sprinkler System: A Customized Industrial Solution for a Non-Conventional Site (p. 3313) |
by Suwalska, Anna |
Interlock System Upgrades at the CERN Accelerator Complex During Long Shutdown 2 (p. 3316) |
by Uythoven, Jan |
360 Degree Panoramic Photographs During the Long Shutdown 2 of the CERN Machines and Facilities (p. 3410) |
by Birtwistle, Thomas |
Amorphous Carbon Coating in SPS (p. 3475) |
by Vollenberg, Wil |
Beam-Induced Surface Modification of the LHC Beam Screens: The Reason for the High Heat Load in Some LHC Arcs? (p. 3479) |
by Petit, Valentine |
Beam Induced Power Deposition in CERN SPS Injection Kickers (p. 3490) |
by Barnes, Michael J |
Inductive Adder Prototype for FCC-hh Injection Kicker System (p. 3494) |
by Woog, David |
Studies for Mitigating Flashover of CERN-LHC Dilution Kicker Magnets (p. 3498) |
by Loebner, Alina M |
Impedance and Thermal Studies of the LHC Injection Kicker Magnet Upgrade (p. 3502) |
by Barnes, Michael J |
Electromagnetic Modelling of Kicker Magnets to Derive Equivalent Circuits (p. 3506) |
by Barnes, Michael J |
Design, Construction and Testing of a Magnetic Probe for Fast Kicker Magnets (p. 3510) |
by Ayala Cintas, Núria |
Requirements for an Inductive Voltage Adder as Driver for a Kicker Magnet with Short Circuit Termination (p. 3521) |
by Ruf, Johannes |
New Generation CERN LHC Injection Dump - Assembly and Installation (TDIS) (p. 3548) |
by Carbajo Perez, David |
Third-Generation CERN n_TOF Spallation Target: Final Design and Examinations of Irradiated Prototype (p. 3555) |
by Esposito, Raffaele |
CERN BDF Prototype Target Operation, Removal and Autopsy Steps (p. 3559) |
by Franqueira Ximenes, Rui |
Towards the Last Stages of the CERN’s AD-Target Area Consolidation Project and Recommissioning Plans to Resume Operation (p. 3563) |
by Torregrosa, Claudio |
Sigraflex® Studies for LHC CERN Beam Dump: Summary and Perspective (p. 3571) |
by Heredia, Jorge |
The Southern Hemisphere’s First X-Band Radio-Frequency Test Facility at the University of Melbourne (p. 3588) |
by Volpi, Matteo |
The Inner Triplet String Facility for HL-LHC: Design and Planning (p. 3592) |
by Bajko, Marta |
Measurements of Field Emission Induced Optical Spectra (p. 3602) |
by Peacock, Ruth C |
Applications of the Local Observable in Future Optics Measurements in HL-LHC and PETRA III (p. 3642) |
by Wegscheider, Andreas |
Forced Coupling Resonance Driving Terms (p. 3646) |
by Wegscheider, Andreas |
An Innovative Eco-System for Accelerator Science and Technology (p. 3660) |
by Darve, Christine |
Industrialization Study of the Accelerating Structures for a 380 GeV Compact Linear Collider (p. 3674) |
by Magazinik, Anastasiya |
Driven 3D Beam Oscillations for Optics Measurements in Synchrotrons (p. 3704) |
by Malina, Lukas |
Reaching the Sub Per Mil Level Coupling Corrections in the LHC (p. 3752) |
by Høydalsvik, Eirik |
Monte Carlo Driven MDI Optimization at a Muon Collider (p. 3769) |
by Curatolo, Camilla |
Magnetic Measurements at Warm of the First FCC-ee Final Focus Quadrupole Prototype (p. 3777) |
by Koratzinos, Michael |
The International Muon Collider Collaboration (p. 3792) |
by Schulte, Daniel |
Dump Line Layout and Beam Dilution Pattern Optimization of the Future Circular Collider (p. 3815) |
by Facskó, Benedek |
Design of Photon Masks for the ILC Positron Source (p. 3834) |
by Alharbi, Khaled |
Bending Radius Limits of Different Coated REBCO Conductor Tapes - An Experimental Investigation with Regard to HTS Undulators (p. 3837) |
by Richter, Sebastian C |
Reconstruction of Linear Optics Observables Using Supervised Learning (p. 3875) |
by Fol, Elena |
Denoising of Optics Measurements Using Autoencoder Neural Networks (p. 3915) |
by Fol, Elena |
Design of a Very Low Energy Beamline for NA61/SHINE (p. 4017) |
by Mussolini, Carlo Alberto |
M2 Experimental Beamline Optics Studies for Next Generation Muon Beam Experiments at CERN (p. 4041) |
by Banerjee, Dipanwita |
5 MW Beam Power in the ESSnuSB Accumulator: A Way to Manage Foil Stripping Injection at 14 Hz Linac Pulse Rate (p. 4072) |
by Schönauer, Horst |
Optics Measurement by Excitation of Betatron Oscillations in the CERN PSB (p. 4078) |
by Maclean, Ewen H |
A Mechanism for Emittance Growth Based on Non-Linear Islands in LHC (p. 4082) |
by Maclean, Ewen H |
Bunch Luminosity Variations in LHC Run 2 (p. 4094) |
by Efthymiopoulos, Ilias |
nuSTORM Accelerator Challenges and Opportunities (p. 4104) |
by Rogers, Chris T |
New Longitudinal Beam Production Methods in the CERN Proton Synchrotron Booster (p. 4130) |
by Albright, Simon |
New Techniques to Compute the Linear Tune (p. 4142) |
by Russo, Giulia |
Studies of Longitudinal Beam Losses at LHC Injection (p. 4164) |
by Medina Medrano, Luis |
Cavity Control Modelling for SPS-to-LHC Beam Transfer Studies (p. 4168) |
by Medina Medrano, Luis |
Update of the Tracking Code RF-Track (p. 4180) |
by Latina, Andrea |
Tracking Complex Re-Circulating Machines with PLACET2 (p. 4197) |
by Costa, Raul |
Recent BDSIM Related Developments and Modeling of Accelerators (p. 4208) |
by Nevay, Laurence J |
Could "Flakes" of Neutral Paramagnetic or Dipolar Molecules Explain Beam Losses in the LHC? (p. 4254) |
by Franchetti, Giuliano |
Detailed Electromagnetic Characterisation of HL-LHC Low Impedance Collimators (p. 4258) |
by Kurtulus, Adnan |
Fire Detection System Reliability Analysis: An Operational Data-Based Framework (p. 4296) |
by Averna, Melania María Carmela |
Detection and Classification of Collective Beam Behaviour in the LHC (p. 4318) |
by Coyle, Loic |
Pair Spectrometer for FACET-II (p. 4336) |
by Naranjo, Brian |
Analytical and Numerical Characterization of Cherenkov Diffraction Radiation as a Longitudinal Electron Bunch Profile Monitor for AWAKE Run 2 (p. 4355) |
by Davut, Can |
Evolution of the LHC Beam Screen Surface Conditioning Upon Electron Irradiation (p. 4370) |
by Bilgen, Suheyla |
DYVACS (DYnamic VACuum Simulation) Code: Gas Density Profiles in Presence of Electron Cloud in the LHC (p. 4373) |
by Bilgen, Suheyla |
Dynamic Pressure in the LHC: Detection of Ions Induced by Ionization of Residual Gas by the Proton Beam and by the Electron-Cloud (p. 4377) |
by Bilgen, Suheyla |
Behaviour of Ironless Inductive Position Sensors in Close Proximity to Each Other (p. 4390) |
by Sammut, Nicholas |
Sub-Nanosecond Switching of HV SiC MOS Transistors for Impact Ionisation Triggering (p. 4454) |
by Senaj, Viliam |
Deployment and Commissioning of the CERN PS Injection Kicker System for Operation with 2 GeV Beams in Short Circuit Mode (p. 4489) |
by Kramer, Thomas |
Development of 36 GHz RF Systems for RF Linearisers (p. 4518) |
by Castilla, Alejandro |
RD53B Wafer Testing for the ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector (p. 12087) |
by Standke, Mark |
Prospect for Interaction Region Local Coupling Correction in the LHC Run 3 (MOPAB007) |
by Soubelet, Felix |
Energy Deposition Study of the CERN HL-LHC Optics v1.5 in the ATLAS and CMS Insertions (MOPAB012) |
by Sabaté-Gilarte, Marta |
Automated Synchrotron Lattice Design and Optimisation Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOPAB182) |
by Zhang, Xuanhao |
The next ion medical machine study at CERN: Towards a next generation cancer research and therapy facility with ion beams (MOPAB413) |
by Vretenar, Maurizio |
A novel facility for cancer therapy and biomedical research with heavy ions for the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (MOPAB414) |
by Damjanovic, Sanja |
The Magnetic Compensation Scheme of the FCC-ee Detectors (THPAB012) |
by Koratzinos, Michael |
Optimising and Extending A Single-Particle Tracking Library For High Parallel Performance (THPAB190) |
by Schwinzerl, Martin |
EIC Crab Cavity Multipole Analysis (WEPAB006) |
by Wu, Qiong |
Update on the Low Emittance Tuning of the e⁺/e⁻ Future Circular Collider (WEPAB011) |
by Charles, Tessa K |
A New Algorithm for Positron Source Parameter Optimisation (WEPAB013) |
by Zhao, Yongke |
Development and Testing of a Cherenkov Beam Loss Monitor in CLEAR Facility (WEPAB021) |
by Benitez Berrocal, Sara |
Collimation Strategies for Secondary Beams in FCC-hh Ion-Ion Operation (WEPAB025) |
by Hunt, James |
Optics Correction Strategy for Run 3 of the LHC (WEPAB027) |
by Persson, Tobias |
MAD-X for Future Accelerators (WEPAB028) |
by Persson, T H B |
Challenges for the interaction region design of the Future Circular Collider FCC-ee (WEPAB029) |
by Boscolo, Manuela |
Studies of the Energy Recovery Performance of the PERLE Project (WEPAB065) |
by André, Kévin |