Página principal > Articles & Preprints > CERN Notes > ATS Notes > MD3310 – Complex tune shift measurement at flat-top in the LHC > BibTeX |
@article{Amorim:2740681, author = "Amorim, David and Antipov, Sergey and Biancacci, Nicolo and Buffat, Xavier and Giordano, Francesco and Hemelsoet, Georges-Henry and Levens, Tom and Metral, Elias and Mounet, Nicolas and Ribes Metidieri, Ariadna and Salvant, Benoit and Soderen, Martin and Uznanski, Slawosz and Valuch, Daniel", title = "{MD3310 – Complex tune shift measurement at flat-top in the LHC}", year = "2020", url = "https://cds.cern.ch/record/2740681", }