| Comparison of data and fitted expectations for the \met and the transverse mass of the top-tagged large-$R$ jet and \met system, $m_{\text{T}}(\met,J)$, distributions in the signal regions. Other backgrounds in the 1L regions include multi-jet, $Z$+jets and diboson contributions, while in the 0L regions it is composed of diboson and \ttbar~+$X$ contributions. The background-only hypothesis is used in the fit: (a) and (b) including the 1L and 0L DM signal regions as well as the 1L and 0L control regions; (c) 0L DM signal and control regions; (d) 0L VLT signal and control regions. The error bands include statistical and systematic uncertainties. The expected shape of a benchmark signal normalised to the theoretical prediction is added on top of the SM prediction. The benchmark signals correspond to: the non-resonant (NR) DM model with $m_{V}=1$~\TeV\ and 2~\TeV, $m_\chi=1$~\GeV, $a=0.5$ and $g_\chi=1$; the resonant (R) DM model with $m_{\phi}=1$~\TeV\ and 2~\TeV, $m_\chi=10$~\GeV, $\lambda = 0.2$ and $y=0.4$; and a VLT with a mass of 0.9~\TeV. |