| Top view of the DIRAC setup: 1 -- target station with insertion, showing the Be target, magnetic field and Pt breakup foil; 2 -- first shielding; 3 -- microdrift chambers (MDC); 4 -- scintillating fiber detector (SFD); 5 -- ionisation hodoscope (IH); 6 -- second shielding; 7 -- vacuum tube; 8 -- spectrometer magnet; 9 -- vacuum chamber; 10 -- drift chambers (DC); 11 -- vertical hodoscope (VH); 12 -- horizontal hodoscope (HH); 13 -- aerogel Cherenkov; 14 -- heavy gas Cherenkov; 15 -- nitrogen Cherenkov; 16 -- preshower (PSh); 17 -- muon detector. (The plotted symmetric and asymmetric events are a $\pi \pi$ and $\pi K$ pair, respectively.) |