Contributions in Inspire:
Contributions to this conference in CDS
Measurement of the depolarization parameter and the spin transfer parameter in the charge-exchange reaction $\overline{p}p \rightarrow \overline{n}n$ at LEAR (p. 657) |
by Birsa, R |
Recent results from the Crystal Barrel experiment (p. 767) |
by Amsler, Claude |
Observation of structures in the four-pion invariant mass in antiproton-$^{4}$He annihilation at rest (p. 806) |
by Adamo, A |
Status of the JETSET (PS202) experiment at CERN-LEAR (p. 827) |
by Bassi, D |
First results of the CPLEAR experiment at CERN : study of CP violation and CPT tests using K$^{0}$-$\overline{K}^{0}$ interferometry(p. 840) |
by Adler, R |
Preliminary results on the anticyclotron at LEAR : Rev(p. 856) |
by Aschenauer, E C |
Coupled-channel analysis of low energy nucleon-antinucleon interactions |
by Henner, V K |
Spin physics at LEAR |
by Bradamante, Franco |
The Frascati $\phi$ factory DA$\phi$NE |
by Zallo, A |
Cumulative lambda-particles production |
by Smirnitsky, A V |
The TRIUMF KAON factory project |
by Poutissou, J M |
The tau-charm factory : physics and concepts of the proposal in Spain |
by Wermes, N |
N$\overline{N}$ interactions : review and perspectives |
by Klempt, E |
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Datensatz erzeugt am 1993-02-24, letzte Änderung am 2021-07-30