| Increasing demands on high energy accelerators are triggering R&D into improved beam loss monitors with a high sensitivity and dynamic range and the potential to efficiently protect the machine over its entire length. Optical fibre beam loss monitors (OBLMs) are based on the detection of Cherenkov radiation from high energy charged particles. Bearing the advantage of covering more than 100m of an accelerator with only one detector and being insensitive to X-rays, OBLMs are ideal for electron machines. The Australian Synchrotron comprises an 100 MeV 15m long linac, an 130m circumference booster synchrotron and a 3 GeV, 216m circumference electron storage ring. The entire facility was successfully covered with four OBLMs. This contribution summarises a variety of measurements performed with OBLMs at the Australian Synchrotron, including beam loss measurements during the full booster and measurements of steady-state losses in the storage ring. Different photosensors, namely Silicon Photo Multipliers (SiPM) and fast Photo Multiplier Tubes (PMTs) have been used and their respective performance limits are discussed. |