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CERN Accelerating science

: Distributions of $\absPoutttbar$ at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4je_pout_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_pout_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_pout_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin. : Caption not extracted
: Distributions of $\ptttbar$ at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4j_tt_pt_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_tt_pt_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_tt_pt_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin. : Caption not extracted
: Distributions of \ptthad{} at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4j_topH_pt_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_topH_pt_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_topH_pt_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin. : Caption not extracted
Kinematic distributions in the 4-jet exclusive configuration at reconstruction level:~\subref{fig:lep_pt_logx_4je2bi}~lepton transverse momentum,~\subref{fig:met_pt_2_4je2bi}~missing transverse momentum, transverse momentum of~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_4je2bi} the selected jets and~\subref{fig:bjet_pt_bilog_4je2bi} of the selected $b$-tagged jets. Data distributions are compared to predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.
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Distribution of the transverse momentum of selected jets in the~\subref{fig:jet_pt_co_4je2bi}~4-jet exclusive,~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_5je2bi}~5-jet exclusive and~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_6ji2bi}~6-jet inclusive configurations at reconstruction level. Data distributions are compared to predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.Caption not extracted
Distribution of the jet multiplicity in the 4-jet inclusive configuration. Data distributions are compared to predictions. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.
: : Kinematic distributions in the 4-jet exclusive configuration at reconstruction level:~\subref{fig:lep_pt_logx_4je2bi}~lepton transverse momentum,~\subref{fig:met_pt_2_4je2bi}~missing transverse momentum, transverse momentum of~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_4je2bi} the selected jets and~\subref{fig:bjet_pt_bilog_4je2bi} of the selected $b$-tagged jets. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.
Distributions of $\ptttbar$ at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4j_tt_pt_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_tt_pt_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_tt_pt_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data distributions are compared to predictions. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.Caption not extracted
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: : \small{Normalised~\subref{fig:ratio_top} ratio of data to the nominal prediction as a function of $\ptthad{}$ and~\subref{fig:ratio_tt} as a function of $\ptttbar$ in the 4-jet exclusive, 5-jet exclusive and 6-jet inclusive configurations. }
Distributions of \ptthad{} at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4j_topH_pt_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_topH_pt_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_topH_pt_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data distributions are compared to predictions. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.Caption not extracted
: Caption not extracted
Distribution of the jet multiplicity in the 4-jet inclusive configuration. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.
Distributions of $\absPoutttbar$ at reconstruction level: \subref{fig:4je_pout_co} 4-jet exclusive, \subref{fig:5j_pout_co} 5-jet exclusive and \subref{fig:6j_pout_co} 6-jet inclusive configurations. Data distributions are compared to predictions. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the $\ttbar$ production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin.Caption not extracted
: Distribution of the transverse momentum of selected jets in the~\subref{fig:jet_pt_co_4je2bi}~4-jet exclusive,~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_5je2bi}~5-jet exclusive and~\subref{fig:jet_pt_bilog_6ji2bi}~6-jet inclusive configurations at reconstruction level. Data are compared to the sum of signal and background predictions using the nominal sample as the \ttbar{} signal model. The hatched area indicates the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties in the total prediction, excluding systematic uncertainties related to the modelling of the \ttbar{} production. Events beyond the range of the horizontal axis are included in the last bin. : Caption not extracted
Uncertainties in the fiducial phase space differential cross sections as a function of $\ptthad{}$: normalised~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:rel:4je2bi} in the 4-jet exclusive configuration; absolute~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:4je2bi} in the 4-jet exclusive,~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:5je2bi} 5-jet exclusive, and~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:6ji2bi} 6-jet inclusive configurations. The yellow bands indicate the total uncertainty in each bin.
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: : Uncertainties in the fiducial phase space differential cross sections as a function of $\ptthad{}$: normalised~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:rel:4je2bi} in the 4-jet exclusive configuration; absolute~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:4je2bi} in the 4-jet exclusive,~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:5je2bi} 5-jet exclusive, and~\subref{fig:unc_particle:topH_pt:abs:6ji2bi} 6-jet inclusive configurations. The yellow bands indicate the total uncertainty in each bin.
\small{Normalised differential cross sections as a function of $\ptttbar{}$ in the 6-jet inclusive configuration in the fiducial phase space. The dark shaded area is the statistical uncertainty and the light shaded area represents the total uncertainty.}
\small{Normalised differential cross sections as a function of $\ptttbar{}$ in the 6-jet inclusive configuration in the fiducial phase space. The dark shaded area is the statistical uncertainty and the light shaded area represents the total uncertainty.}
\small{Normalised~\subref{fig:ratio_top} ratio of data to the nominal prediction as a function of $\ptthad{}$ and~\subref{fig:ratio_tt} as a function of $\ptttbar$ in the 4-jet exclusive, 5-jet exclusive and 6-jet inclusive configurations. }