Начало > Drell-Yan Production at NNLL'+NNLO Matched to Parton Showers > Plots |
Comparison of the full, singular, and nonsingular $\Tau_0$ distribution at NNLO$_0$. |
Comparison of the showered and hadronized $\Tau_0$ spectra in \geneva. |
Comparison of the showered and hadronized $\Tau_0$ spectra in \geneva. |
Comparison of the showered and hadronized $\Tau_0$ spectra in \geneva. |
Comparison of \geneva with the analytic $q_T$ distribution at NNLL$+$NLO$_1$ from Ref.~\cite{Banfi:2012du}. The analytic results are shown in blue, and the \geneva results are shown in black. |
Comparison of \geneva with the analytic $\phi^*$ distribution at NNLL$+$NLO$_1$ from Ref.~\cite{Banfi:2012du}. The analytic results are shown in blue, and the \geneva results are shown in black. |