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CERN Accelerating science

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Report number CERN-ACC-2014-0331
Title Does One Need a 4.5 K Screen in Cryostats of Superconducting Accelerator Devices Operating in Superfluid Helium? Lessons from the LHC
Author(s) Lebrun, Ph ; Parma, V ; Tavian, L
Publication 2014
Imprint 11 Dec 2014
Number of pages 8
Presented at Cryogenic Engineering Conference & International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 17 - 21 Jun 2013
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Keywords Superfluid helium ; Cryostat ; Cryomodule ; 4.5 K screen ; Multilayer insulation
Abstract Superfluid helium is increasingly used as a coolant for superconducting devices in particle accelerators: the lower temperature enhances the performance of superconductors in high-field magnets and reduces BCS losses in RF acceleration cavities, while the excellent transport properties of superfluid helium can be put to work in efficient distributed cooling systems. The thermodynamic penalty of operating at lower temperature however requires careful management of the heat loads, achieved inter alia through proper design and construction of the cryostats. A recurrent question appears to be that of the need and practical feasibility of an additional screen cooled by normal helium at around 4.5 K surrounding the cold mass at about 2 K, in such cryostats equipped with a standard 80 K screen. We introduce the issue in terms of first principles applied to the configuration of the cryostats, discuss technical constraints and economical limitations, and illustrate the argumentation with examples taken from large projects confronted with this issue, i.e. CEBAF, SPL, ESS, LHC, TESLA, European X-FEL, ILC.
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 Записът е създаден на 2014-12-11, последна промяна на 2015-06-09