| Observed limits on the DM--nucleon scattering cross-section as a function of $m_{\chi}$ at 90\% CL for spin-independent (left) and spin-dependent (right) operators in the EFT. Results are compared with the previous ATLAS searches for hadronically decaying $W/Z$~\cite{atlasWIMPhadronicWZ}, leptonically decaying $Z$~\cite{atlasWIMPleptonicZ}, and $j+\chi\chi$~\cite{atlasWIMPjet}, and with direct detection searches by CoGeNT~\cite{2011PhRvL.106m1301A}, XENON100~\cite{2012PhRvL.109r1301A}, CDMS~\cite{2014PhRvL.112d1302A,2014arXiv1402.7137A}, LUX~\cite{2013arXiv1310.8214L}, COUPP~\cite{2012PhRvD..86e2001B}, SIMPLE~\cite{2012PhRvL.108t1302F}, PICASSO~\cite{2012PhLB..711..153A} and IceCube~\cite{2012arXiv1212.4097I}. The comparison between direct detection and ATLAS results is only possible within the limits of the validity of the EFT~\cite{wimp14TeV}. |