| Distributions in absolute values of rapidities for (a)~the \cPZ\ boson, (b)~the jet, (c)~their sums, and (d)~their differences, normalized to unity. The data are shown after correcting for efficiency and resolution, and displayed with statistical and systematic uncertainties combined in quadrature. The lower panel of each figure gives ratios of the data and simulations to the NLO calculation of MCFM. The ratio error bars include MCFM statistical uncertainties folded with data statistical and systematic uncertainties. Theoretical uncertainties in the MCFM calculations are shown as shaded areas representing variations of \mur, \muf, and PDF. Statistical uncertainties for the \MADGRAPH and \SHERPA predictions are displayed as bands around the central values. The central value for \MADGRAPH simulations using LO PDF is depicted by a line. All other calculations use NLO versions of PDF. |