| Measured fiducial cross-sections with the statistical (inner error bar) and statistical plus systematic (outer error bar) uncertainties in the electron, muon, and combined electron and muon channels. The cross-sections are given in the 1-jet, 2-jet, and 1+2-jet fiducial regions. The measurements are compared with NLO predictions calculated with \mcfm~\cite{ref:4FNS5FNS} and corrected for hadronization and double-parton interaction (DPI) effects. The yellow bands represent the total uncertainty on the prediction. It is obtained by combining in quadrature the uncertainties resulting from variations of the renormalization and factorization scales, the PDF set, the DPI model and non-perturbative corrections. The NLO prediction from \powheg\ interfaced to \pythia, corrected for DPI effects, and the prediction from \textsc{Alpgen} interfaced to \textsc{Herwig} and \textsc{Jimmy} and scaled by the NNLO inclusive $W$ normalization factor are also shown. |