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CERN Accelerating science

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\protect\subref{fig:LambdaMass} The reconstructed mass peak of $\Lambda$ candidates with central ($|\eta|<0.6$) proton-candidate tracks in data (black points) and MC simulation (green histogram). \protect\subref{fig:LambdaMassFit} The reconstructed mass peak of $\Lambda$ candidates in data. The distribution is shown separately for positive (i.e. proton candiate) and negative (i.e. pion candidate) tracks in the central region ($|\eta|<0.6$).Caption not extracted
noimgThe number of signal candidate tracks, extracted from the fits described in the text, in data and MC simulation.
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The uncorrected $E/p$ distribution for \protect\subref{fig:RawEoverP} single $\pi^{-}$ and $\overline{p}$ and \protect\subref{fig:RawEoverP_PPi} $\pi^{+}$ and $p$ in a single bin of available energy and pseudorapidity, $2.2\leq E_a<2.8$~GeV and $|\eta|<0.6$.Caption not extracted
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The difference in $\langle E/p \rangle$ between $\pi^+$ and $\pi^-$ from $K_S$ candidates in tracks with \protect\subref{fig:PiPPiMDiff} $|\eta|<0.6$ and \protect\subref{fig:PiPPiMDiffFwd} $0.6\leq|\eta|<1.1$.Caption not extracted
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The difference in $\langle E/p \rangle$ between $\pi^+$ from $K_S$ candidates and $p$ from $\Lambda$ candidates in tracks with \protect\subref{fig:PiPProtonDiff} $|\eta|<0.6$ and \protect\subref{fig:PiPProtonDiffFwd} $0.6\leq|\eta|<1.1$. The responses to the protons are corrected for charged particle backgrounds (see text).Caption not extracted
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The difference in $ \langle E/p \rangle$ between $\pi^-$ from $K_S$ candidates and $\overline{p}$ from $\overline{\Lambda}$ candidates in tracks with \protect\subref{fig:PiMAProtonDiff} $|\eta|<0.6$ and \protect\subref{fig:PiMAProtonDiffFwd} $0.6\leq|\eta|<1.1$. The responses to the anti-protons are corrected for charged particle backgrounds (see text).Caption not extracted
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$\langle E/p \rangle$ for pions as a function of the extrapolated distance between that pion and a pion of the opposite sign. In all cases the pions are daughters of a reconstructed $K_S$ candidate and are required to be isolated from all tracks in the event except the other daughter of the decay. The response is shown for low energy ($2.2\leq E_a<2.8$~GeV) \protect\subref{fig:OpenPEta0Pt0} $\pi^{+}$ and \protect\subref{fig:OpenMEta0Pt0} $\pi^{-}$ in the central pseudorapidity bin ($|\eta|<0.6$). The MC simulation has no tracks passing the selection in the smallest bin (smallest two bins) of opening distance for $\pi^+$ ($\pi^-$).Caption not extracted
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Energy density, $\rho$, as a function of the radial distance $R$ in $\eta \times \phi$ space from the track impact point for tracks with \protect\subref{fig:comparison_true_eta_1500_1800} $1.5 \leq p < 1.8$~GeV and \protect\subref{fig:comparison_true_eta_3600_4600} $3.6 \leq p < 4.6$~GeV. The blue rectangles with diagonal hatching show the true energy density associated with MIP tracks. The yellow rectangles with horizontal hatching (red rectangles with vertical hatching) show the true energy density in the EM calorimeter associated to background particles for MIP-tagged (all) tracks.Caption not extracted
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Energy density, $\rho$, as a function of the radial distance $R$ in $\eta \times \phi$ space from the track impact point for tracks with \protect\subref{fig:comparison_reco_1500_1800} $1.5\leq p < 1.8$~GeV and \protect\subref{fig:comparison_reco_3600_4600} $3.6 \leq p < 4.6$~GeV. The black markers (green rectangles) show the reconstructed energy density associated with MIP-tagged tracks for data (MC). The blue hatched rectangles show the true energy density associated with MIP tracks.Caption not extracted