| \small Distribution of the mass difference $M(\jpsi\phi)-M(\jpsi)$ for the $\bujphik$ in the $B^+$ ($\pm2.5\,\sigma$) and $\phi$ ($\pm15$~MeV) mass windows. Fit of $X(4140)$ signal on top of a smooth background is superimposed (solid red line). The dashed blue (dotted blue) line on top illustrates the expected $X(4140)$ ($X(4274)$) signal yield from the CDF measurement \cite{CDF}. The top and bottom plots differ by the background function (dashed black line) used in the fit: (a) an efficiency-corrected three-body phase-space ($\funone$); (b) a quadratic function multiplied by the efficiency-corrected three-body phase-space factor ($\funtwo$). The fit ranges are 1030--1400 and 1020--1400~MeV, respectively. |