| Exclusion limits in the ($m^{}_{\gl},m^{}_{\bone}$) plane for the gluino-sbottom model (top left), in the ($m^{}_{\gl},m^{}_{\tone}$) plane for the gluino-stop model (top right) and in the ($m_{\tilde{g}},m_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}$) plane for the \emph{Gbb} (bottom left) and \emph{Gtt} (bottom right) models. The dashed black and solid bold red lines show the 95\% CL expected and observed limits respectively, including all uncertainties except the theoretical signal cross-section uncertainty. The shaded (yellow) bands around the expected limits show the impact of the experimental uncertainties while the dotted red lines show the impact on the observed limit of the variation of the nominal signal cross-section by 1$\sigma$ theoretical uncertainty. Also shown for reference are the previous CDF~\protect\cite{gluinosbottomCDF,sbottomCDF}, D0~\protect\cite{sbottomD0} and ATLAS~\protect\cite{sbottom,PRD,dileptonSS,multijet} analyses. |