| noimg: NLO branching ratios, ${\cal{B}}(W'_R \rightarrow tb)$, and $W'_R$ production cross section times the branching ratio value, $\sigma(pp \rightarrow W'_R) \times {\cal{B}}(W'_R \rightarrow tb)$, in $pp$ collisions at 7~\TeV~center-of-mass energy~\cite{ZackSullivan}. The uncertainties on the branching ratios are due to the top quark mass uncertainty. The uncertainties on the cross sections include statistical, $\alpha_s$, NLO renormalization and factorization scales, and PDF uncertainties.: Predicted signal event yields derived using the theoretical cross section times the branching ratio values for $W'_R \rightarrow tb$, for single- and double-tagged two-jet events in 1.04~$\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of data. The uncertainties correspond to the NLO cross section uncertainties~\cite{ZackSullivan}.: Predicted background event yields compared to the total observed event yields for single- and double-tagged two-jet events in 1.04~$\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of data. All $W$+jet samples are scaled by the factors determined from data, with the uncertainties also derived from data. The multijet estimation is from the fitting method with a 50$\%$ (100$\%$) uncertainty for single(double)-tagged events. All the other predictions are derived using the theoretical cross sections and uncertainties. |