| 95\% CL exclusion region obtained from the combination of the two electron channels (left) and the muon channels (right) shown in the $\beta$ versus leptoquark mass plane. The gray area indicates the D0 exclusion limit~\cite{results_first_gen_limit_d0,results_second_gen_limit_d0}, and the thick dotted line the CMS exclusion~\cite{results_first_gen_limit_cms,results_second_gen_limit_cms}. The dotted and dotted-dashed lines show the individual limits for the $\lljj$ and the $\lnjj$ channels, respectively. The combined expected limit is indicated by the thick dashed line. The solid band contains 68\% of possible outcomes from pseudo-experiments in which the yield is Poisson-fluctuated around the background-only expectation. Systematic uncertainties are included. The combined observed limit is indicated by the solid line. |