Home > CERN Experiments > LHC Experiments > ATLAS > ATLAS Preprints > Performance of the ATLAS Detector using First Collision Data > Plots |
noimgLuminosity-weighted fraction of the time during stable beam operation for which the different detectors were able to take data under nominal conditions. |
TRT hit efficiency as a function of the distance of the track from the wire in the centre of the straw in (a) the barrel and (b) the end-caps. |
TRT hit efficiency as a function of the distance of the track from the wire in the centre of the straw in (a) the barrel and (b) the end-caps. |
Unbiased residual distributions in the TRT barrel (a) and end-caps (b). The data points are in filled circles and the simulation in empty ones. |
Unbiased residual distributions in the TRT barrel (a) and end-caps (b). The data points are in filled circles and the simulation in empty ones. |
The \kshort\ candidate mass distribution using impact parameter and lifetime selections. The simulated signal and background are separately normalized to the data. |
The \dedx\ measured in data as a function of momentum. |
The fraction of high-threshold transition radiation hits on tracks as a function of the relativistic $\gamma$ factor (see text for details). |
The efficiency for reconstruction of a L2 track candidate as a function of the \pt\ of the matched offline track in data and Monte Carlo simulation. A fit of the threshold curve is superimposed. |
Distribution of cluster $E_T$~(a) and $|\eta|$~(b) for all selected electron candidates. The simulation is normalized to the number of data events. |
Distribution of cluster $E_T$~(a) and $|\eta|$~(b) for all selected electron candidates. The simulation is normalized to the number of data events. |
Cluster $E_T$~(a) and $|\eta|$~(b) for all selected photon candidates. The simulation is normalized to the number of data events. |
Cluster $E_T$~(a) and $|\eta|$~(b) for all selected photon candidates. The simulation is normalized to the number of data events. |
Distributions of (a) the number of clusters per jet and (b) the fraction of energy per cluster for jets reconstructed with topological clusters using the \antikt~algorithm with R=0.6. |
Distributions of (a) the number of clusters per jet and (b) the fraction of energy per cluster for jets reconstructed with topological clusters using the \antikt~algorithm with R=0.6. |
Distributions of (a) \pt\ for all jets and (b) $\Delta \phi$ for events with two or more jets. These are shown for jets reconstructed with topological clusters using the \antikt~algorithm with R=0.6. |
Distributions of (a) \pt\ for all jets and (b) $\Delta \phi$ for events with two or more jets. These are shown for jets reconstructed with topological clusters using the \antikt~algorithm with R=0.6. |
Distribution of \MET~as measured in data from randomly triggered events. Only cells belonging to topological clusters are included in the calculation; their energies are calibrated at the EM scale. |
The distribution of $\eta$ and $p$ of reconstructed muons in the $0.9$~\TeV\ data. The simulation distributions are normalized to the number of entries in data. \vspace{-0.5cm} |
The distribution of $\eta$ and $p$ of reconstructed muons in the $0.9$~\TeV\ data. The simulation distributions are normalized to the number of entries in data. \vspace{-0.5cm} |