Home > CERN R&D Projects > CERN Detector R&D Projects > CALICE > CALICE Papers > Construction and Commissioning of the CALICE Analog Hadron Calorimeter Prototype > Plots |
Schematic tile layout of a scintillator module for layers 1--30 (left) and a photograph of tiles in a module (right). The red dots indicate the position of the thermosensors. |
Schematic tile layout of a scintillator module for layers 1--30 (left) and a photograph of tiles in a module (right). The red dots indicate the position of the thermosensors. |
Schematic cross section of a cassette (not to scale). |
Readout of $\rm 3~cm \times 3~cm ~(left), \rm 6~cm \times 6~cm$ (middle), and $\rm 12~cm \times 12~cm$ tiles (right) with WLS fibers and SiPMs. |
Readout of $\rm 3~cm \times 3~cm ~(left), \rm 6~cm \times 6~cm$ (middle), and $\rm 12~cm \times 12~cm$ tiles (right) with WLS fibers and SiPMs. |
Readout of $\rm 3~cm \times 3~cm ~(left), \rm 6~cm \times 6~cm$ (middle), and $\rm 12~cm \times 12~cm$ tiles (right) with WLS fibers and SiPMs. |
The distribution of SiPM noise at half a MIP threshold (left), cross talk (middle), and current (right). Arrows show the maximum values on noise, cross talk and current permitted in the prototype. |
The distribution of SiPM noise at half a MIP threshold (left), cross talk (middle), and current (right). Arrows show the maximum values on noise, cross talk and current permitted in the prototype. |
The distribution of SiPM noise at half a MIP threshold (left), cross talk (middle), and current (right). Arrows show the maximum values on noise, cross talk and current permitted in the prototype. |
Distributions of the relative variation of SiPM parameters (number of pixels per MIP, SiPM gain, SiPM response, SiPM efficiency, noise frequency and cross talk) for a 0.1~V change in bias voltage. |
Light yield of 8100 scintillator tiles measured at ITEP on a test bench. For the prototype, tiles with a light yield closest to 15 pixels/MIP were selected. |
Photograph of a fully assembled module. |
Photograph of the wedges fixing the tiles inside a cassette (left) and photograph of the flexfoils used in a cassette (right). |
Photograph of the wedges fixing the tiles inside a cassette (left) and photograph of the flexfoils used in a cassette (right). |
Schematic view of the readout and data acquisition. |
Block diagram of the ASIC chip. |
Pulse shapes in the calibration mode (left) and the physics mode (right). |
Pulse shapes in the calibration mode (left) and the physics mode (right). |
Coupling diagram of the SiPM to the ASIC chip. |
Schematic diagram (left) and photograph (right) of the ASIC chip. |
Measurements of the DAC linearity of 18 channels (left) and residuals for channel zero (right). |
Measurements of the DAC linearity of 18 channels (left) and residuals for channel zero (right). |
The VFE AHCAL base board with six mezzanine boards. The connection to the SiPMs is via coaxial cables. |
The emission spectrum of the UV LED. |
Layout of the LED driver. |
Photograph of the calibration and monitoring board. |
CALICE calorimeter system setup at CERN in 2006 (left) and 2007 (right). |
CALICE calorimeter system setup at CERN in 2006 (left) and 2007 (right). |
Event collection rate during test beam in 2006 (left) and 2007 (right). |
Event collection rate during test beam in 2006 (left) and 2007 (right). |
Three-dimensional event display of a muon from the test beam penetrating the ECAL, AHCAL and TCMT. Hits in the TCMT are indicated by the colored bars. |
Recorded light yields in the test beam. |
Noise hits as a function of reverse bias voltage with a threshold of half a MIP. |
SiPM noise during two years of operation in test beams. The pedestals are generally between 20 and 60 ADC bins and the number with a given pedestal RMS is stable with time |