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CERN Accélérateur de science

Conference title International Conference on High-energy Physics
Related conference title(s) High-energy Physics
HEP 79
Date(s), location 27 Jun 1979, Geneva, Switzerland
Editor(s) Zichichi, Antonino (ed.)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 2 v.
Series (Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics ; 10)
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CERN Anniversary, 25th ; CERN History ; CERN25 ; EPS ; twenty-five

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C79-06-27
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Introductory lecture (p. 3)
by Zichichi, A
Neutral currents (p. 25)
by Dydak, Friedrich
Charged weak currents (p. 50)
by Turlay, René
Hadronic final states in neutrino and antineutrino charged-current events (p. 81)
by Tallini, B
Neutrinos and nucleon structure (p. 98)
by Sehgal, L M
Atomic physics checks of parity violation (p. 119)
by Barkov, L M
Further tests of parity violation in inelastic electron scattering (p. 126)
by Prescott, C Y
Lifetime of charmed hadrons produced in neutrino interactions (p. 140)
by Conversi, M
Fragmentation functions in neutrino hydrogen interactions (p. 151)
by Blietschau, J
Flux normalized charged current neutrino cross sections up to neutrino energies of 260 GeV (p. 163)
by Barish, B C
Results from Gargamelle neutrino experiment at CERN SPS (p. 167)
by Rollier, M
First results from the CERN-Hamburg-Amsterdam-Rome-Moscow neutrino experiment (p. 177)
by Jonker, M
$e^{+}e^{-}$ physics: heavy quark spectroscopy (p. 191)
by Davier, M
High-energy trends in $e^{+}e^{-}$ physics (p. 220)
by Wolf, G
Electron-positron annihilation : some remarks on the theory(p. 245)
by Bjorken, James D
Heavy Leptons (p. 259)
by Flügge, G
Jet analysis (p. 271)
by Söding, P
$e^{+}e^{-}$ physics below $j/\psi$ resonance (p. 282)
by Augustin, J E
Results on charmonium from the Crystal Ball (p. 293)
by Partridge, R
Results from the mark-II detector at spear (p. 304)
by Abrams, G S
Tests of quantum electrodynamics at PETRA (p. 320)
by Branson, J G
A measurement of $e^{+}e^{-} \to$ hadrons at $\sqrt{s}$=27.4 GeV (p. 325)
by Branson, J.G.
The hadronic final state in $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation at c.m. energies of 13, 17 and 27.4 GeV (p. 330)
by Cashmore, R J
Experimental search for Upsilon decay into 3 gluons (p. 338)
by Berger, C
Results from PLUTO at PETRA (p. 343)
by Blobel, Volker
Results from Adone (p. 350)
by Celio, R B
Some first results from the mark II at SPEAR (p. 357)
by Abrams, G S
A study of $e^{+}e^{-}$ annihilation into hadrons in the 1600-2200 MeV energy range with the magnetic detector DMI at DCI (p. 362)
by Bizot, J C
Gauge symmetries (p. 371)
by Iliopoulos, J
QCD phenomenology (p. 390)
by Gaillard, Mary Katherin
Quantum chromo dynamite (p. 418)
by De Rújula, Alvaro
QCD : Problems and alternatives(p. 442)
by Preparata, Giuliano
Supergravity in superspace formulation (p. 462)
by Wess, J
Instantons (p. 466)
by Fairlie, D B
High $P_{t}$ and jets (p. 473)
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel
High $P_{t}$ and jets (p. 473)
by Jacob, Maurice René Michel
Particle systematics (p. 523)
by Hey, A J G
Soft hadron reactions (p. 547)
by Nikitin, V A
Photo- and hadroproduction of new flavours (p. 569)
by Treille, D
High energy interactions on nuclei (p. 582)
by Vegni, G
High-energy $\pi$N phase shift analysis (p. 594)
by Holer, G
Very narrow states (p. 604)
by Povh, B
Theoretical implications of narrow hadron states (p. 610)
by Chan Hong Mo
Hypercharge exchange reactions and hyperon resonance production (p. 616)
by Irving, A C
The $A_{1}$ meson produced at 63 and 94 GeV/c in the reaction $\pi^{-} p\to\pi^{-}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}p$ (p. 623)
by Thompson, G
Elastic and total $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ cross-sections from a high statistics measurement of the reaction $\pi^{-}p \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}n$ at 63 GeV/c (p. 628)
by Weilhammer, P
An analysis of charm searches in NN collisions (p. 636)
by Geist, Walter M
Review of $k^\pm$ physics (p. 649)
by Barnham, Keith W J
Spin dependence in high $p^{2}_{T}$ elastic pp and np scattering (p. 667)
by Crabb, D G
Observation of prompt single muons and of missing energy associated with $\mu^{+}\mu^{-}$ pairs produced in hadronic interactions (p. 672)
by Bodek, A.
Quantum number effects in events with a charged particle at large transverse momentum (charge correlations in jets) (p. 677)
by Wegener, D
$k^{*0}$(890) polarization measurements in the hypercharge exchange reaction $\pi^{-}p \to k^{*0}(890)\Lambda^{0}/\Sigma^{0}$ at 10 GeV/c (p. 682)
by Picciarelli, V
Scaling and the violation of scaling (p. 690)
by Ning, Hu
Experimental review of deep inelastic electron and muon scattering (p. 697)
by Gabathuler, Erwin
Lepton pair production in hadronic collisions (p. 727)
by Altarelli, Guido
Direct production of single photons at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings (p. 742)
by Diakonou, M K
Experimental determination of the pion and nucleon structure functions by measuring high-mass muon pairs produced by pions of 200 and 280 GeV/c on a platinum target (p. 751)
by Badier, J
Study of rare muon induced processes (p. 765)
by Clark, A R
Jets in deep inelastic electroproduction (p. 775)
by Drews, G
Dimuon spectra from 62 GeV proton collisions (p. 779)
by Antreasyan, D
Some significant physics objectives of the $p\overline{p}$ collider (p. 791)
by Rubbia, Carlo
Future European accelerator possibilities (p. 827)
by Vivargent, M
A gauge appreciation of developments in particle physics - 1979 (p. 853)
by Salam, Abdus
Summary of the most significant results reported in this session (p. 893)
by Sens, J C
Low-energy features of a 1-tev higgs sector (p. 917)
by Appelquist, Thomas
Broken symmetries at high temperatures and the problem of baryon excess of the universe (p. 931)
by Mohapatra, Rabindra N
SU(5) (p. 940)
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard
Magnetic monopoles (p. 953)
by Olive, David I
Formulation of supergravity without superspace (p. 963)
by Ferrara, S
AtlFast3: The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS
by Carter, Thomas Michael
The production of high-momentum $\Lambda^{0}, \overline{\Lambda}^{0}, \Lambda^{0} (1520), \phi(1020)$ and $\overline{p}$ particles in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 63 GeV
by Block, M.M.
High-mass muon pairs produced in $\pi{-}$Be collisions at 150 and 175 GeV/c
by Abolins, M A

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