Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not chan... more Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not change or improved following a mandated report of suspected child abuse. In a significant minority of cases, the therapy relationship deteriorated when the report was made about a client in treatment, and improved when the report was made about a third party not in treatment.
Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not chan... more Seventy-six percent of 65 psychotherapy cases seen in a child guidance clinic either did not change or improved following a mandated report of suspected child abuse. In a significant minority of cases, the therapy relationship deteriorated when the report was made about a client in treatment, and improved when the report was made about a third party not in treatment.
Papers by Holly Watson