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Maintaining Your Vegetable Garden
This is a guide about maintaining your vegetable garden. While waiting for your crops to grow there are many maintenance activities that need to be attended to such as watering, weeding, staking, and more depending on the veggies you have planted.
Hollyhock Photos
This page contains hollyhock photos. Hollyhocks are a popular garden ornamental with beautiful flowers that grow on a single stalk.
Use Hairnets to Protect Small Plants
To protect little plants or cuttings from insect pests, you can use a hairnet. This is a guide about use hairnets to protect small plants.
Growing Vegetables in Concrete Mixing Tubs
The black concrete or mortar mixing tubs available at your local hardware of big box home improvement store are perfect containers for growing shallow rooted vegetables. This offers some good reasons for growing vegetables in concrete mixing tubs.
Bird of Paradise Flower Photos
This is a picture of my sweet little granddaughter Cambria taken about five years ago just before they moved from Arizona to Idaho. Her outfit and her hairbow match the beautiful colors of nature right in our own front yards Bird of Paradise bush! This was a fun moment to capture.
Create a Humid Environment for Plants
Place two same sized containers together with plant inside to increase humidity for tropical plants. This is a thrifty method instead of buying a humidifier. Also works for plants that you may purchase online and came from the mail - to help the plants adjust and recover from the transport!
Feeding Soil in Non-Growing Seasons
Knowing how to perfect your plants soil is the best defense against diseases and unwanted insects. Its not to say you wont have any bugs or diseases but the soil is like a plants immune system. The better the soil the stronger the plants growing in it.
Zinnia Photos
Zinnias are originally from Mexico and the surrounding area. They are related to the sunflower and daisy. These bright flowers grow well as an annual and are prized by many gardeners across the world.
Upcycle Above Ground Pool Post into Plant Trellis
Do you have an old above ground pool youre taking down? Or see someone tossing theirs out? Keep the posts! Heres another idea you could do with them for inexpensive - we made this plant trellis for our dragonfruit.
When to Harvest Your Vegetables
Youre growing your own vegetables and you cant wait to pick them. Well, you probably need to wait. But for how long? When will that tomato be ready? How about the cucumbers?
Growing Coneflower (Echinacea)
Sow seeds in pots. Set the pots outside over winter or cold treat them for a month before moving them to a warm place to germinate.
Growing Clematis
Clematis do not wrap their stems around a support while they climb. Instead, their leaf stems reach out for objects to wrap around-preferably structures made from wood or metal pieces less than 1 inch across...
Growing Musk Mallow
Sow seeds or transplant seedlings into warm soil. Seedlings should be spaced approximately 18 inches apart. Seeds should be soaked for 24 hours prior to planting to speed germination. If starting indoors, use individual peat pots to avoid disturbing roots while transplanting.
Growing: Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)
Plant tubers 3 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart in the fall for spring flowers. Tubers do not like to be dry and can be soaked overnight before planting for a faster start. . .