Writing Tips

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How to Create ‘Rising Conflict’ in Your Fiction Novel
‘Rising Conflict’ in a fictional novel adds tension, moves the story forward, and helps create character change. But what exactly is rising conflict? Does every book need conflict? And what is the difference between internal and external conflict? In How to Create ‘Rising Conflict’ in Your Fiction Novel, we address each of these questions and show you step-by-step how to create rising conflict at the scene and overall story level to write a riveting book your readers will love.
The Ultimate Guide to Outlining Your Novel
Are you a plotter or a pantser? One of the most common reasons writers give up on outlining is that it feels difficult and confusing. Outlining is important and it doesn't have to be painful. Here's the ultimate guide to EASY novel outlining. #noveloutline #nanowrimo #writingtips #writingbooks
The Top 20 Literary Devices Every Writer Should Know
Literary devices are vital tools that all writers should learn to use to bring their writing and stories to life. They can add depth, emotion, and subtle layers of meaning to even the simplest forms of writing, transforming words into vivid mental images. When you understand and start using a few basic devices, you can engage your readers by creating memorable imagery and conveying complex ideas with a little bit of style. Whether you’re writing a novel, a poem, an article, or an essay, trying and using some of these techniques can only improve your writing.
How to Start Writing a Story: Tips for Aspiring Writers ✍️
Stuck at the beginning? Learn how to start writing a story with tips that guide you through the initial steps, from brainstorming ideas to creating a great opening. Great ideas for fiction writing! Save this pin for when you're ready to start writing your story!
My Writing Process, Pt. 1 of 2: How I Use Scrivener to Outline My Novels
Scrivener Tutorial
Reducing Your Sticky Sentences And Glue Words
What are sticky sentences and glue words in writing? They are sentences that use too many unnecessary words, especially transition words and conjunctions. When this happens, it can dilute your writing, making it difficult to read and understand and weakening the overall impact. While transition words and conjunctions are essential for connecting ideas and creating a smooth flow in your writing, too many can overly complicate your sentences. Sticky sentences can also occur when using weak verbs or adverbs or repeating words or phrases too often.
Novel Writing Tips: Don’t Bury the Dialogue!
When writing the first draft of a fictional novel, authors may write fast, without giving much thought to format or style issues when it comes to dialogue. However, during the revision phase, it is important to look at each line to ensure the conversations between characters have the greatest impression upon readers.In Novel Writing Tips: Don’t Bury the Dialogue! we show you how to make your character’s speech stand out for clarity, maximum impact, and stylistic effect.
How to Create a Fictional Character in 5 Steps
If you are just starting to write a novel, you may have come across character questionnaires to help you brainstorm basic information for your story cast, but how do you truly flesh out your characters on a deeper level? How do you make your characters jump off the page and feel “real?”In How to Create a Fictional Character in 5 Steps, we give you more than just the average list of questions to think about so that you can create characters your readers will love.
Narrative Drive: How to Write a Page-Turning Novel
Narrative Drive: How to Write a Page-Turning Novel | Savannah Gilbo - Want to write a book that readers just can't put down? Learn how to maximize the narrative drive in your story so that readers will be on the edge of their seats wondering what happens next! #amwriting #writingtips #writingcommunity
The richest authors in the world
Want to know who is the richest author in the world? Or how much money did suzanne collins make off of the hunger games? Find out what these Millionaire writers did it and how you can too! J k rowling motivation, jk rowling facts, books by jk rowling...