
29 Pins
3-day Full-body Workout Split
Maximize gains with our 3-day full-body workout split! Sculpt every muscle group efficiently for ultimate results. #endomondo #fitness #fullbodyworkout #workoutsplit #workoutprogram #strengthtraining
Simple workout plan only using dumbbells
I've made a workout plan which includes only dumbbell and body weight exercises to prove that you can do fully fledged workouts at home. All you need is discipline and quality adjustable dumbbells. I have pinned best selling dumbbells at amazon, feel free to check.
Core Blast Home Workout
Grab your stability ball and exercise your core with this ab workout you can perform at home. #stabilittyball #abworkout #abcircuit #swissball #stabilityballworkout #swissballworkout #stabilityballabworkout