Four Step System To Treat High Prolactin And Low Progesterone Levels
If you’re trying to conceive for many years with high prolactin and low progesterone levels you may not get pregnant naturally. Before you get pregnant, you need to set right your hormonal system so it reduces prolactin level.
Thicker and Healthier HairAchieving thicker and healthier hair is attainable through natural remedies. A balanced diet rich in nutrients like proteins, iron, and antioxidants found in foods like eggs,...
Mediterranean diet linked to lower risk of breast cancer type, study says | CNN
A study published in the International Journal of Cancer on Monday suggests that the Mediterranean diet may help prevent estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer.
There are 3 foods you want to avoid that boost estrogen levels to an unnatural level. When estrogen levels get boosted, it causes extremely stubborn body fat.