photography exhibit inspiration

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two women looking at each other with the words sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye
Les Amants [ The Lovers II ] - 1928 - René Magritte. The Lovers II (1928), is an oil on canvas depicting two individuals locked in an embrace. The figures are kissing one another through veils. They are situated in a room with the back wall, side wall and ceiling showing. The back wall is blue-grey with a lighter shade on the bottom half and a darker shade on the top half.
an art gallery with several large white signs and wooden poles in the middle of it
Exposition «ECAL Photography» à l'elac
ECAL - GALERIE ELAC - EXPOSITIONS - Exposition «ECAL Photography» à l'elac
a woman is walking through an art gallery with paintings on the walls and in front of her
Wolfgang Tillmans Hirshhorn Exhibition July 2007
Wolfgang Tillmans Hirshhorn Exhibition July 2007 by Steve Rogers Photography, via Flickr
a group of people standing around in a room with pictures on the walls and wood floors
photography exhibition design
photography installation - Google Search
three framed photographs hang on the wall above a bed and desk with a piano in it
C’est beau, non ?
"C’est beau, non ?" : Ou l'on apprend à voir grâce à des aveugles.
several people looking at art on display in a white walled room with black flooring
November 2012 – English in Guía
French artist Sophie Calle received a saddening email from her partner breaking up with her. As a revenge, she decided to send the email to 100 professional women who analysed the message. With all the answers, she prepared an exhibition presented at the Venice Biennale.
four framed photographs hang on the wall above them are pictures of old buildings and flowers
“I asked Calle if she had taken to planning her own death; she has, a bit. You find yourself wanting to.” Sadie Stein on Sophie Calle’s exhibition “Rachel/Monique.”
a wall with many different pictures on it
‘The Blind’, Sophie Calle
‘The Blind’, Sophie Calle asked blind people to describe what beauty is. The last one is empty- he said he didn't need beauty in his brain.
an art gallery with white walls and pictures on the wall
Sophie Calle - Take Care of Yourself - Exhibitions
Sophie Calle: Take Care of Yourself. I received an email telling me it was over. I didn’t know how to respond. It was almost as if it hadn’t been meant for me. It ended with the words, “Take care of yourself.” And so I did.