Pele blood type meal

Nourishing Anti Inflammatory Chicken Soup for Gut Health
Warm up with a bowl of this delicious and nutritious chicken soup, perfect for any diet! Packed with healthy ingredients, this recipe is designed to boost your gut health and keep you feeling great. Enjoy the benefits of a healthy food choice that's both satisfying and full of flavor. Ideal for anyone looking for nutritional recipes and healthy drinks to support their wellness journey. #ChickenSoup #HealthyFood #Diet #NutritionalRecipes #GutHealth #HealthyDrinks #Chicken #Wellness
Whether you’re doing semi-dry #DampJanuary or full-on #DryJanuary cutting back on alcohol (or giving it up entirely) is always a huge focus for many people at the start of a new year. In both TCM and Ayurveda, excessive alcohol is said to cause chi stagnation in the liver and induce heat 🔥. Stagnation in the liver leads to anger 😡 and stunts creativity. In Ayurveda, alcohol is thought to heat the blood and damage the liver, blood, and ojas.