All things plants!! 🪴 🌱 Anything plant related! Identification, indoor planting, hobbyists skills & ideas, hacks, creative growing techniques, outdoor gardens, soils & stones, fertilizer & watering, bug fixes & horticulture related!! Grow Grow GROW!!!!
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This Repotting Mistake Will Prevent Your Plants From Growing Properly
Read this article and find out a risky mistake everyone makes when repotting plants, how to avoid it and repot your plants properly.
How to Regrow Green Onions From Scraps
Placez bulbes à la racine dans un petit pot. Couvrez les racines d'eau, laissez les bords supérieurs au-dessus de l'eau. Au bord de fenêtre et gardez les racines humides. Gardez racines immergées changez l'eau 1x/semaine. Lorsque 4-5" les planter dans sol ou pot de terreau. Coupez ce dont vous avez besoin, en coupant les feuilles jusqu'au sol; les oignons continueront à pousser dans le sol et pourraient devenir plus gros que les oignons verts habituels. Utilisez les fleurs dans les salades.
10 Seed Starting Blunders to Dodge for Thriving Indoor Plants!
Eager to see your indoor garden flourish? Steer clear of the common pitfalls with our expert guide on the top 10 indoor seed starting mistakes to avoid. From overwatering to insufficient light, we'll show you how to navigate the challenges of indoor gardening like a pro. Perfect for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike, our tips will ensure your seedlings grow up strong and healthy. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to a thriving indoor oasis!