Inspiration - Blackberry House Paint
Dry sink makeover using Blackberry House Paint in the color Willow Tree with Dirty Water Wax on top. Painted by Tess's Treasures in Murfreesboro, TN! #blackberryhousepiant #cottonfieldcolors #chalkfreepaint #furniturepaint #homedecorpaint #farmhousefurniture #furnituremakeover #paintedfurniture #vintagefurniture
Transformed Dry Sink
A few weeks ago I came into posession of a beautiful dry sink when my parents came to visit baring a hand me down from my late Uncle.The dry sink was literally the perfect addition for my bartender husband. I foresaw many delicious drinks being concocted on this new treasure. The only catch, my Uncle was a heavy smoker and the minute the dry sink was brought in I could smell a project on my hands.So agter gathering materials I rolled up my sleeves and got to work to transform the second hand pie