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Groups in BuddyPress are gatherings of members, posts, and any other user-generated content.

If enabled by the site administrator, any member can create a group in BuddyPress. When a member creates a group, this person automatically becomes the group administrator.

Group administrators can also approve requests to join the private group, invite friends to congregate within a hidden group, establish communications among members, extend privileges to other members, and enable new features (such as Group Forums if enabled by Super Admin) among others.


The following is a table of contents outlining each specific area that the Groups component entails:

Groups Directory

The Groups Directory is a page where users can find all the created groups on your BuddyPress site.

The following outlines each actionable item on the Groups Directory page:

Groups Directory Page. Click on image to enlarge.

Groups Directory Page. Click on image to enlarge.


Single Group Header

When users visits a single group page, they will see a group header with various actionable items available to them.

The following outlines each area of a group’s header:

Single Group Header. Click on image to enlarge.

Single Group Header. Click on image to enlarge.


Home Page

Each group has a homepage. The group’s Activity Stream is the default Home tab for any group.

Here, all members who are a member of the group can add status updates for the group.



Each group has a “Members” page where users can find out who has joined the group.

List of Group Members


Send Invites

Each group has a “Send Invites” page where users can invite other users to join the group.

The visibility of this link is dependent on what option the Group Admin chose on the group settings page — “Admin > Settings > Group Invitations: All group Members, Group Admins and Mods only, or Group admins only”.



Each group has an “Admin” page where group administrators can configure various aspects of the group.

These group admin pages are only visible to the group’s administrators and the Super/Site Admins of your WordPress installation.

The following outlines each admin page available to group administrators:


Groups Management Panels

Groups Dashboard Admin. Click on image to enlarge.

Groups Dashboard Admin. Click on image to enlarge.

BuddyPress provides admin dashboard panels to help you manage the Groups created in your site, including membership and settings (added in BuddyPress 1.7).Sections

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