A simply perfect - and perfectly simple - accessory pack
I was a big fan of the arctic sets from 2000 and the adventurer's sets from around the same time (which had similar tents), so I was very excited about this set... and it didn't disappoint!
The packaging feels a little wasteful for such a small set, but it was a treat to open and a reminder of Lego's high standards. It keeps the tent cover safe, too, which in my mind completely justifies it.
The main attraction in this set is the fabric tent cover. It is very high quality, which redeems the long wait since the last set with a fabric tent. Older tents had to have pieces hold the flaps closed, which was unattractive and a nuisance... this tent is cut so that the flaps overlap, and hold each other closed, which is a wonderful feature. The tools, crates, fish, popsicles, and blue heads - which are cleverly used as propane tanks - are great additions too, and the tent base is constructed with some of the newer clip pieces.
The minifigures add a great deal of play to the set, and use the same faces and clothes that feature prominently in the other city arctic sets.
The build
The build is very simple, and isn't the focus of the set. It's fun to assemble the accessories and to see how quickly everything comes together, but be aware that the set is essentially all accessories.
The completed model
While this set is very simple, it's also very unique. It doesn't stand well on its own, but it makes for great fun when paired with other arctic creations. The tent and a snowmobile would make for a great scouting expedition, but it could just as easily be an outpost, outbuilding, or supply storage area for a base camp (and it even comes with the supplies!).
Overall opinion
This set is an excellent bonus pack, and I was very excited to be able to pick up a copy of such a special offering. Any number of this set would make a great addition to any adventure, arctic or otherwise... so long as you're not trying to blend in, that is, given the color! Very highly recommended indeed!
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